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R /发光数据框列

[英]R/Shiny Dataframe Columns

I'm working with Shiny, and i have another question, hopefully much easier: 我正在与Shiny合作,但我还有另一个问题,希望可以轻松得多:

I have a dataframe (uploaded from a CSV), where I want the user to select a Dependent variable, and then select their independent variables, but the list of available columns for the IV selection should now not include the dependent variable that they just selected. 我有一个数据框(从CSV上载),我希望用户选择一个因变量,然后选择其自变量,但是IV选择的可用列列表现在不应包括他们刚刚选择的因变量。

I've been staring and reactive expressions all day, and have no clue. 我整天都在凝视着反应性的表情,毫无头绪。 It's probably really obvious too. 这也可能真的很明显。 Any help would be great. 任何帮助都会很棒。

Here is a code snippet from the Server code 这是服务器代码中的代码片段

# Read file ----
df <- reactive({
         header = input$header,
         sep = input$sep)  


# dynamically allow the user to select a dependent variable ----
  output$selectbox <- renderUI({
  selectInput(inputId = "select_dev", 
            label = "Select target variable", 
            choices = names(df()))

# Dynamically allow the user to select their independent variables using checkboxes ----
###  Here is where I would like to remove the variable from the DF that they selected in output$selectbox. 
  output$checkbox <- renderUI({
  checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "select_var", 
                   label = "Select variables", 
                   choices = names(df()),
                   selected = names(df()))

Perhaps there is an easier way than this to manipulate a reactive function. 也许有比这更简单的方法来操纵反应函数。 The goal is to have dataframe that I can treat as a set of independent variables, and be able to call on it for multiple analyses. 我们的目标是拥有一个数据框,我可以将其视为一组独立变量,并可以对其进行多次分析。

There you go - 你去了-


  ui = fluidPage(
  server = function(input, output, session) {

    df <- reactive(iris)

    output$selectbox <- renderUI({
      selectInput(inputId = "select_dev", 
                  label = "Select target variable", 
                  choices = names(df()))

    output$checkbox <- renderUI({
      checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "select_var", 
                         label = "Select variables", 
                         choices = setdiff(names(df()), input$select_dev),
                         selected = setdiff(names(df()), input$select_dev))

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