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Swift 将“字符”转换为“Unicode.Scalar”

[英]Swift convert 'Character' to 'Unicode.Scalar'

I'm trying to filter non-alphabetical characters out of a String, but running into the issue that CharacterSet uses Unicode.Scalar and String consists of Character .我试图从 String 中过滤出非字母字符,但遇到了CharacterSet使用Unicode.Scalar和 String 由Character组成的问题。

Xcode gives the error: Xcode 给出了错误:

Cannot convert value of type 'String.Element' (aka 'Character') to specified type 'Unicode.Scalar?'无法将“String.Element”(又名“Character”)类型的值转换为指定类型“Unicode.Scalar”?

let name = "name"
let allowedCharacters = CharacterSet.alphanumerics
let filteredName = name.filter { (c) -> Bool in
    if let s: Unicode.Scalar = c { // cannot convert
        return !allowedCharacters.contains(s)
    return true

CharacterSet has an unfortunate name inherited from Objective C. In reality, it is a set of Unicode.Scalar s, not of Characters (“extended grapheme clusters” in Unicode parlance). CharacterSet有一个不幸的名字,它继承自 Objective C。实际上,它是一组Unicode.Scalar ,而不是Characters (Unicode 术语中的“扩展Characters簇”)。 This is necessary, because while there is a finite set of Unicode scalars, there is an infinite number of possible grapheme clusters.这是必要的,因为虽然有一组有限的 Unicode 标量,但有无限数量的可能的字素簇。 For example, e + ◌̄ + ◌̄ + ◌̄ ... ad infinitum is still just one cluster.例如, e + ◌̄ + ◌̄ + ◌̄ ... ad e + ◌̄ + ◌̄ + ◌̄ ...仍然只是一个簇。 As such, it is impossible to exhaustively list all possible clusters, and it is often impossible to list the subset of them that has a particular property.因此,不可能详尽地列出所有可能的集群,并且通常不可能列出具有特定属性的它们的子集。 Set operations such as those in the question must use scalars instead (or at least use definitions derived from the component scalars).问题中的集合操作必须改用标量(或至少使用从组件标量派生的定义)。

In Swift, String s have a unicodeScalars property for operating on the string a the scalar level, and the property is directly mutable.在 Swift 中, String有一个unicodeScalars属性,用于在标量级别对字符串进行操作,并且该属性是直接可变的。 That enables you to do things like this:这使您可以执行以下操作:

// Assuming...
var name: String = "..."

// ...then...
name.unicodeScalars.removeAll(where: { !CharacterSet.alphanumerics.contains($0) })

A single Character can consist of several UnicodeScalar s, so you need to iterate through all of them and check if they are contained in CharacterSet.alphanumerics . 一个Character可以包含多个UnicodeScalar ,因此您需要遍历所有UnicodeScalar ,并检查它们是否包含在CharacterSet.alphanumerics

let allowedCharacters = CharacterSet.alphanumerics
let filteredName = name.filter { (c) -> Bool in
    return !c.unicodeScalars.contains(where: { !allowedCharacters.contains($0)})

Test input: let name = "asd😊1" 测试输入: let name = "asd😊1"

Test output: "asd1" 测试输出: "asd1"

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