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无法在 Google Pay TEST 环境和订单总额中添加测试卡

[英]Unable to add test card in Google Pay TEST environment and order total

  1. In GooglePay, how to display the order total in googlepay payment sheet?(Is it possible to do?) Could not find any documentation for that.在 GooglePay 中,如何在 googlepay 付款表中显示订单总额?(是否可以这样做?)找不到任何相关文档。
  2. Im using TEST environment but still unable to add any test card which is mentioned in the below URL and also it is redirecting to https://pay.google.com instead of https://pay.sandbox.google.com (Is this expected behaviour?) new google.payments.api.PaymentsClient({ environment: 'TEST' })我正在使用 TEST 环境,但仍然无法添加以下 URL 中提到的任何测试卡,并且它正在重定向到https://pay.google.com而不是https://pay.sandbox.google.com (这是预期行为?)新的 google.payments.api.PaymentsClient({ environment: 'TEST' })

Test Cards: https://docs.adyen.com/developers/test-cards/test-card-numbers测试卡: https : //docs.adyen.com/developers/test-cards/test-card-numbers

UPDATE: Google Pay now supports dynamically showing the total price on the payments sheet.更新: Google Pay 现在支持在付款表上动态显示总价。 This price can also be updated as the user changes their selection at checkout (eg.: shipping option).当用户在结帐时更改他们的选择(例如:运输选项)时,此价格也可以更新。 You can configure these pricing updates as shown in the docs .您可以按照文档中所示配置这些定价更新。

You can also check out the official announcement for more details.您也可以查看官方公告了解更多详情。
Hope it helps.希望能帮助到你。

  1. That's right, it is not possible to add the total price to the payments sheet.没错,无法将总价添加到付款表中。
  2. The way the test environment works for Google Pay is slightly different to the sandboxes some payment providers offer. Google Pay 测试环境的工作方式与某些支付提供商提供的沙箱略有不同。 When you use Google Pay in the TEST environment, the APIs are, by default, still expecting valid card numbers.当您在TEST环境中使用 Google Pay 时,默认情况下 API 仍然需要有效的卡号。 As such, if you use invalid information, the checks will still fail.因此,如果您使用无效信息,检查仍将失败。 Said so, your card is never charged nor the token that the systems responds with allows to perform any transaction.如此说来,您的卡永远不会被收费,系统响应的令牌也不会允许执行任何交易。

in this function getGoogleTransactionInfo() add to totalPrice :在这个函数中getGoogleTransactionInfo()添加到totalPrice

"<?php echo $prix; ?>" 

As in the comment.如评论中所述。

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