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[英]How to pump streams with offset and length in vert.x?

I'm porting a kotlin rest server to Vert.x, but I have some trouble finding an alternative to InputStream.skip() , OutputStream.write(buffer, 0, len) and how to append to a file on disk. 我正在将Kotlin Rest服务器移植到Vert.x,但是在查找InputStream.skip()OutputStream.write(buffer, 0, len)的替代方案以及如何附加到磁盘上的文件时遇到了一些麻烦。

Is it possible using the Pump.pump() ? 可以使用Pump.pump()吗? Do I have to override the ReadStream and WriteStream ? 我必须重写ReadStreamWriteStream吗?

My old code is: 我的旧代码是:

    val fromOffset = FROM_OFFSET.getLongParam(req, false, 0)
    val toOffset = TO_OFFSET.getLongParam(req, false, -1)

    val component = repository.getComponent(contRep, docId, compId)

    component.inputStream.use { input ->
        res.outputStream.use { output ->
            val buffer = ByteArray(64 * 1024)
            var len: Int
            var read = 0
            do {
                len = input.read(buffer)

                // Check offset
                read += len
                if (toOffset in 0..(read - 1))
                    len -= (read - toOffset).toInt()

                if (len > 0) output.write(buffer, 0, len)

            } while (len > 0)

And, to append to a file: 并且,附加到文件:

    inputStream.use { appendStream ->
        FileOutputStream(componentFile, true).use { outputStream ->

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

You can open a file in append mode. 您可以在追加模式下打开文件。 Then when you call write the buffer goes to the end of the file: 然后,当您调用write ,缓冲区将转到文件末尾:

vertx.fileSystem().open(fileName, new OpenOptions().setAppend(true), ar -> {
  if (ar.succeeded()) {
    AsyncFile writestream = ar.result();
    // If you write here it will be at the end of the file

For skipping, just use AsyncFile#setReadPos : 要跳过,只需使用AsyncFile#setReadPos

vertx.fileSystem().open(fileToRead, new OpenOptions(), ar -> {
  if (ar.succeeded()) {
    AsyncFile readstream = ar.result();

When this is done you can use the usual pump code: 完成后,您可以使用通常的泵代码:

Pump pump = Pump.pump(readstream, writestream);
readstream.endHandler(v -> {
  // Done

These are all Java snippets but you'll easily convert to Kotlin syntax. 这些都是Java代码段,但是您可以轻松转换为Kotlin语法。

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