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如何在Windows 10的UWP应用和iOS设备的Xamarin.Forms应用之间创建TCP套接字

[英]how to create TCP socket between UWP app on Windows 10 and Xamarin.Forms app on iOS device

I want to stream live camera frames from my Windows 10 computer to my iPad, which will display the frames, in real time. 我想将实时摄像机帧从Windows 10计算机流式传输到我的iPad,后者将实时显示帧。

I want to develop on Windows 10 using Visual Studio for both the Windows 10 app and the iOS app. 我想使用Windows 10应用程序和iOS应用程序的Visual Studio在Windows 10上进行开发。

I'm considering Windows Universal > Blank App project for the Windows 10 computer app, and iPhone & iPad > IOS XAML APP (XAMARIN.FORMS) for the IOS app. 我正在考虑Windows 10计算机应用程序的Windows通用>空白应用程序项目,以及iPhone和iPad的IOS XAML应用程序(XAMARIN.FORMS)。

Which TCP socket technology should I use for the Windows UWP app, and which for the IOS XAML app? 我应该为Windows UWP应用程序使用哪种TCP套接字技术,以及为IOS XAML应用程序使用哪种技术?

For the iOS application, I'd use libvlcsharp which is cross-platform .NET/Mono bindings for libVLC. 对于iOS应用程序,我将使用libvlcsharp ,它是libVLC的跨平台.NET / Mono绑定。 It should be quite simple to setup for receiving a video stream from the UWP application. 设置用于从UWP应用程序接收视频流的设置应该非常简单。

Then on the UWP side, Microsoft provides a good example of capturing and streaming video using the Media Capture API in the Real-time communication sample on GitHub. 然后在UWP端,Microsoft在GitHub上的实时通信示例中提供了一个使用Media Capture API捕获和流式传输视频的好例子。

I know that this doesn't directly answer your question about creating the TCP socket but should anyway point you to the right direction. 我知道这并不能直接回答您有关创建TCP套接字的问题,但无论如何应该将您指向正确的方向。 It's been a while since I looked into developing a similar solution myself. 自从我自己开发一种类似的解决方案以来已经有一段时间了。

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