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通过 NFC 进行 Lollipop (5.1) 注册的自助服务终端设备

[英]Kiosk devices with Lollipop (5.1) enrollment via NFC

I would like to ask, if somebody tried enroll Kiosk devices with Android via programmed NFC tags.我想问一下,是否有人尝试通过编程的 NFC 标签将 Kiosk 设备注册到 Android。

I found this great blog post and followed steps inside.我找到了这篇很棒的博文并按照里面的步骤操作。 But I'm unable to even start process of enrolling, tried on Android 5.1, 7.1.2 and 8.0.但我什至无法开始注册过程,在 Android 5.1、7.1.2 和 8.0 上试过。

I tried original way from blog post with only replacing token , but original link from post for DOWNLOAD_LOCATION seems to be dead, so I took link from Android Developers also I computed new SHA-1 check sum which should be 837C87477198CB2DFBFB6CA44829AF2921F3544B for latest version of downloaded apk.我尝试了博客文章中的原始方法,只替换了 token ,但是来自 DOWNLOAD_LOCATION 的帖子的原始链接似乎已经死了,所以我从Android Developers那里获取了链接,我还计算了新的 SHA-1 校验和,对于最新版本的下载 apk,它应该是 837C87477198CB2DFBFB6CA44829AF2921F3544B . Inserted my enrollment token from Microsoft Intune Portal.从 Microsoft Intune 门户插入我的注册令牌。 Encryption is skipped according to fact that Lollipop is not encrypted by default and enrolling device could not be plugged to AC or is not charged to 70%.根据 Lollipop 默认情况下未加密且注册设备无法插入交流电或未充电至 70% 的事实,将跳过加密。

I created with NFC Tools PRO (android app) new Custom record of data for application/com.android.managedprovisioning and inserted lines below.我使用 NFC Tools PRO(android 应用程序)为application/com.android.managedprovisioning创建了新的自定义数据记录,并在下面插入了行。


Then I write lines to NFC tag, no errors, everything looks fine.然后我向 NFC 标签写入行,没有错误,一切看起来都很好。

Reading of tag show everything correctly wrote.阅读标签显示正确写入的所有内容。

My device boots after factory reset and I place NFC tag to device's NFC antena.我的设备在恢复出厂设置后启动,我将 NFC 标签放置在设备的 NFC 天线上。

And proccess immediately fails with "Oops. Couldn't set up your device. Contact your IT department."过程立即失败,并显示“糟糕。无法设置您的设备。请联系您的 IT 部门。”

Other enrollment methods works (QR code, ...) great but I need NFC method for Android 5.1 because other enrollment methods are not supported by this version of android.其他注册方法(QR 码,...)很好,但我需要 Android 5.1 的 NFC 方法,因为此版本的 android 不支持其他注册方法。

Every reply will be highly appreciated.每一个答复将不胜感激。

Being honest I've never tried to put that information on a NFC tag.老实说,我从未尝试过将这些信息放在 NFC 标签上。

I went ahead and checked one of my Kiosk tokens with a QR reader and I noticed something vs your lines, you don't have everything encased inside curly brackets.我继续用 QR 阅读器检查了我的一个 Kiosk 令牌,我注意到有些东西与你的台词不符,你没有把所有东西都放在花括号里。

This is the contents of my token (changed the ID to post here):这是我的令牌的内容(更改了 ID 以在此处发布):


It has no linebreaks and everything is seems to be formated in Json.它没有换行符,一切似乎都是用 Json 格式化的。

When android reads the data from the NFC Tag it might be finding incorrectly formated data.当 android 从 NFC 标签读取数据时,它可能会发现格式不正确的数据。

Can you give it a try and see if it works?你能试一试,看看它是否有效吗?

so this code is finally working for Android 5.1.所以这段代码最终适用于 Android 5.1。 Wrote to NFC Tag with NFC Tools PRO使用NFC Tools PRO写入 NFC 标签

android.app.extra.PROVISIONING_ADMIN_EXTRAS_BUNDLE=com.google.android.apps.work.clouddpc.EXTRA_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN\=<secret from Intune>

Please note that, this code is only for Microsoft Intune EMM (as you can see there is desc=InTune)请注意,此代码仅适用于 Microsoft Intune EMM(如您所见,有 desc=InTune)

Thanks for all comments!感谢所有评论!

Thanks for this!! 谢谢这个! have been searching for hours on the 一直在搜寻数小时

'"Oops! Couldn't set up your device. Contact your IT department."' error 错误:“糟糕!无法设置您的设备。请与您的IT部门联系。”错误

How did you computed the SHA-1 checksum. 您如何计算SHA-1校验和。 I have tried numerus checksum but getting the below error now. 我尝试了numerus校验和,但现在收到以下错误。

'Couldn't use the admin app due to a checksum error' '由于校验和错误,无法使用管理应用程序'

Thanks Again! 再次感谢!

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