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[英]Sum parameters got from Powershell

I am creating a script that sums up the sizes of every file under directory red line by line from a file. 我正在创建一个脚本,从文件中逐行总结目录下红色下每个文件的大小。

Right now the recursive search for files is working and I get a sum for sizes for each line of the source file but I am not sure on how to add all those values together. 现在递归搜索文件正在工作,我得到源文件的每一行的大小的总和,但我不知道如何将所有这些值添加到一起。

What I have right now is: 我现在拥有的是:

#Read each line of a file for a directory
foreach($line in Get-Content .\file.txt) {
  #Prints the current line path
  echo $line
  #Prints a count of the files under that path and a sum of all files length
  Get-ChildItem -Recurse $line | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum

The output of this scripts looks like: 此脚本的输出如下所示:

Count    : 30
Average  :
Sum      : 522382636
Maximum  :
Minimum  :
Property : Length

Count    : 2
Average  :
Sum      : 2835134
Maximum  :
Minimum  :
Property : Length

How can I get the sum of every Sum output for every folder, ie, the sum of all .Sum property values? 如何获得每个文件夹的每个Sum输出的总和,即所有.Sum属性值的总和?

Combining the suggestions by notjustme and Ansgar Wiechers : 结合notjustmeAnsgar Wiechers的建议:

Get-Content .\file.txt | ForEach-Object -ov results {
  # Calculate the total size for the path at hand, and
  # output the result as a custom object.
  [pscustomobject] @ {
    Path = $_
    Length = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse $_ | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum).Sum
} | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum

# Use $results to access the per-path values.

Note how an outer Measure-Object is used to sum the results of the per-path Measure-Object results. 请注意外部Measure-Object如何用于对每个路径Measure-Object结果的结果求和。

If you don't need to store the per-path results and just want the overall sum , the solution becomes much simpler, as Ansgar observes: 如果您不需要存储每路径结果并且只需要总体总和 ,则解决方案变得更加简单,正如Ansgar所说:

(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath (Get-Content .\file.txt) -Recurse |
   Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum).Sum

Note how the array of lines output by Get-Content is directly passed to -LiteralPath , which is supported, because both -Path and -LiteralPath are defined as [string[]] (string arrays ). 请注意Get-Content输出的行数组如何直接传递给支持的-LiteralPath ,因为-Path-LiteralPath都定义为[string[]] (字符串数组 )。

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