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如何将 go.mod 中的 Go 模块依赖项指向 repo 中的最新提交?

[英]How to point Go module dependency in go.mod to a latest commit in a repo?

Starting with v1.11 Go added support for modules.从 v1.11 Go 开始添加了对模块的支持。 Commands命令

go mod init <package name>
go build

would generate go.mod and go.sum files that contain all found versions for the package dependencies.将生成go.modgo.sum文件,其中包含 package 依赖项的所有找到的版本。

If a module does not have any releases, the latest commit of that module is used.如果模块没有任何版本,则使用该模块的最新提交。 If a module does have releases, the latest one is picked as a dependency.如果模块确实有版本,则最新的版本将被选为依赖项。

However sometimes I would need functionality that is not in a published release yet, but from a commit made after that release.然而,有时我需要的功能尚未在已发布的版本中,而是来自该版本之后的提交。 How do I set go.mod to point not to a release of a module, but to a specific commit in the module's repository?如何将go.mod设置为不指向模块的发布,而是指向模块存储库中的特定提交?

It looks like I can do it by hand in go.mod with看起来我可以在 go.mod 中手动完成

module /my/module

require (
github.com/someone/some_module v0.0.0-20181121201909-af044c0995fe

where v0.0.0 does not correspond to the last published release tag, 20181121201909 would be a commit timestamp and af044c0995fe would be the commit hash?其中v0.0.0不对应于最后发布的发布标签, 20181121201909将是提交时间戳,而af044c0995fe将是提交 hash? Should such information to be found and entered by hand, or there is a better way?这些信息是应该手工查找和输入,还是有更好的方法?

Just 'go get' at the commit hash you want:只需在您想要的提交哈希处“去获取”:

go get github.com/someone/some_module@af044c0995fe

'go get' will correctly update the dependency files (go.mod, go.sum). 'go get' 将正确更新依赖文件(go.mod、go.sum)。

More information: https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules#how-to-upgrade-and-downgrade-dependencies更多信息: https : //github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules#how-to-upgrade-and-downgrade-dependencies

In addition the answer from Everton on using go get github.com/someone/some_module@af044c0995fe to get a specific commit, you can also use branch names such as:除了埃弗顿关于使用go get github.com/someone/some_module@af044c0995fe获取特定提交的答案之外,您还可以使用分支名称,例如:

  • go get github.com/someone/some_module@master
  • go get github.com/someone/some_module@dev_branch

Those examples get the latest commit on the corresponding branch.这些示例获取相应分支上的最新提交。

It will still be recorded as a pseudo-version in your go.mod file, such as v0.0.0-20171006230638-a6e239ea1c69 .它仍然会在您的go.mod文件中记录为伪版本,例如v0.0.0-20171006230638-a6e239ea1c69 (This helps provide a simple total ordering across all versions based on standard semver ordering). (这有助于提供基于标准semver排序的所有版本的简单总排序)。

I have been banging my head for some time that how it works for everyone and I am not able to run it.一段时间以来,我一直在思考它如何适用于每个人,但我无法运行它。 For me, I had to commit to master branch then only I was able to get it.对我来说,我必须提交到 master 分支然后才能够得到它。

For go get to work with specific branch, commit id or tag, you need to enable a flag for go module by running below command要使用特定的分支、提交 ID 或标签,您需要通过运行以下命令为 go 模块启用标志

go env -w GO111MODULE=on去 env -w GO111MODULE=on

after this we will be able to do在此之后,我们将能够做到

go get repo@branchname
go get repo@tag
go get repo@commithash

If you want to temporarily substitute a dependency to a local directory (for example if you work on 2 modules sumultaneously) you can add replace statement at the end of go.mod file:如果您想临时替换本地目录的依赖项(例如,如果您同时处理 2 个模块),您可以在go.mod文件的末尾添加replace语句:

module example.com/mypkg

go 1.15

require (
  gitlab.com/someone/a_package v0.14.2

replace gitlab.com/someone/a_package => ../my_forks/a_package

Also if you put the word latest in place of the tag in the go.mod file it will get changed to the latest tag the modules.此外,如果您将单词 latest 放在 go.mod 文件中的标签位置,它将更改为模块的最新标签。

For example:例如:

module /my/module

require (
github.com/someone/some_module latest

will become会变成

module /my/module

require (
github.com/someone/some_module v2.0.39

after running go mod tidy运行go mod tidy

  • Download source from branch从分支下载源
    go get your-repo@branch-name read output with go module version to be added to require or replace : go get your-repo@branch-name read output with go module version 添加到requirereplace
    go: downloading github.com/your-repo v1.2.3-0.20210609123456-123123123去:下载github.com/your-repo v1.2.3-0.20210609123456-123123123
  • Later this version can be found as output string of the following command以后这个版本可以作为以下命令的输出字符串找到
    go list -m -json your-repo@branch-name | jq '.|"\\(.Path) \\(.Version)"'
  • If jq is not installed on your PC - manually combine Path and Version values of result from:如果您的 PC 上未安装jq - 手动组合结果的PathVersion值:
    go list -m -json your-repo@branch-name
    separated by space:用空格隔开:
    your-repository v1.2.3-0.20210609123456-123123123您的存储库 v1.2.3-0.20210609123456-123123123

If you want to point to the latest commit of a branch, you can always specify the branch name in you go get command:如果你想指向一个分支的最新提交,你总是可以在go get命令中指定分支名称:

go get your-repo@branch-name

It should add this automatically to your go.mod file.它应该自动将其添加到您的go.mod文件中。

Tested with go 1.16go 1.16测试

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