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[英]Saving a tkinter output to an sqlite3 database

I'm fairly new to programming and I'm trying to save the input from a tkinter entry box to a field in a sqlite database. 我对编程还很陌生,我正在尝试将tkinter输入框的输入保存到sqlite数据库中的字段中。 However, however I try to do so, it always saves as a variation of PY_VAR(number) or simply prints as {}. 但是,无论如何,我总是将其保存为PY_VAR(number)的变体,或仅打印为{}。 This is the relevant section of code (the SQL queries are all valid in context of my database). 这是代码的相关部分(SQL查询在数据库上下文中均有效)。 How would I go about rectifying this so an entry input would save to the relevant column in the SQL database? 我将如何纠正此问题,以便将输入条目保存到SQL数据库中的相关列? ` `

    enteredName = StringVar()
    nameEntry = Entry(mainFrame,textvariable = enteredName)
    nameEntry.grid(row = 3 + recordNo,column=4)
    c.execute("SELECT name FROM purchases WHERE productID = (?)", 
    savedName = c.fetchone()
    if savedName != "":
    c.execute("UPDATE purchases SET name = ? WHERE productID = ?", 

Change the .get() to .get("1.0", "end-1c") . .get()更改为.get("1.0", "end-1c") The 1.0 makes it be read from the first character and end-1c makes it read till the end of the text box. 1.0使它从第一个字符开始读取,而end-1c使它直到文本框的末尾读取。 The 1c part removes the extra newline the text box will add. 1c部分删除了文本框将添加的多余换行符。

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