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ASP.NET Core的输入标签帮助程序不会将其文本更改为绑定的模型字段

[英]input tag helper for ASP.NET Core doesn't change its text to the bound model field

I'm using the input tag helper for my Razor view like so: 我在Razor视图中使用input标签助手,如下所示:

<input type="text" asp-for="MsgFromFilter" id="txtMsgFromFilter" />

So this should be bound to my model's MsgFromFilter string field. 因此,这应该绑定到我模型的MsgFromFilter字符串字段。 Although, when I submit the form, this field in my model is bound to the value in the textbox, it doesn't work the other way round: when I set the value of this field in my controller, the view doesn't set that as the default value of the text input element; 虽然,当我提交表单时,模型中的该字段绑定到文本框中的值,但反之则行不通:当我在控制器中设置此字段的值时,视图未设置作为文本输入元素的默认值; it just maintains the last value submitted in that input field. 它只是保持在该input字段中提交的最后一个值。 How can I get the text input to default its value on page load to the value in the model rather than the last value that was submitted in the input ? 我怎样才能获得文本input到它在页面加载值默认为在模型中,而不是在提交的最后一个值的数值input

Thanks to @KirkLarkin I discovered that to set the defaults for the input fields rendered by the Razor view, I need to set ModelState . 感谢@KirkLarkin,我发现要设置Razor视图呈现的input字段的默认值,我需要设置ModelState So in my controller I have to do two things, set ModelState and the model itself: 因此,在我的控制器中,我必须做两件事,设置ModelState和模型本身:

if (btnReset) {
    model.MsgFromFilter = null;

This works for resetting the value of that model field as well as the Razor view input element to blank. 这可用于将该模型字段以及Razor视图输入元素的值重置为空白。

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