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[英]XPath to find elements

I wouldn't mind a little help with some xpath for selenium. 我不介意为硒提供一些xpath帮助。 From the below HTML I am trying to grab a list of links, from within the articles, but only for the available items. 从下面的HTML中,我试图从文章中获取链接列表,但仅针对可用项目。

        <div class="listing">
                <a href="article.php?id=123">
        <div class="listing">
                <a href="article.php?id=123">

Here is what I've got... 这就是我所拥有的...

//h3[. = 'Available']/ancestor::div[1]//article//a

I would point out that the first div (listing) is only available when there are items available for sale. 我要指出的是,只有当有待售商品时,第一个div(清单)才可用。

Use the following XPath 使用以下XPath

//div[h3 = 'Available']/article/a

It will return all a elements which are in the same div as h3 elements with the value "Available". 这将返回所有a这是在相同的元素divh3 ,其值为“可用”的元素。

The result may seem empty because the a elements themselves have no values. 结果可能看起来是空的,因为a元素本身没有值。 But if you try to access the @href attributes, you'll get a visible result. 但是,如果尝试访问@href属性,则会看到可见的结果。

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