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[英]How to get the last non-zero value of NumPy masked array?

I am working on a model. 我正在制作模型。 The results are stored in a NetCFD file with masked data of lon, lat and time per particle. 结果存储在NetCFD文件中,其中包含每个粒子的lon,lat和time的掩码数据。 I want to get the last real value of lon, lat, time for each particle. 我想获取每个粒子的lon,lat,time的最后一个实际值。 I have managed to get the position of the last real number, but not the value itself. 我设法获得了最后一个实数的位置,但没有获得值本身。

Do you have any suggestions? 你有什么建议吗?

My code looks like this: 我的代码如下所示:

lat1= masked_array(data=[[-14.33945369720459, -14.33945369720459, -14.339454650878906,
     -14.339454650878906, -14.339454650878906, -14.339454650878906,
     -14.339454650878906, -14.339454650878906, -14.339457511901855,
     -14.339459419250488, -14.339459419250488, -14.339459419250488,
     --, --, --, --, --, --, --, --],
    [-5.621851444244385, -5.621865272521973, -5.621881008148193,
     -5.621898651123047, -5.621916770935059, -5.621936321258545,
     -5.6219563484191895, -5.621973037719727, -5.621990203857422,
     -5.622012615203857, -5.622034072875977, -5.622053146362305, --,
     --, --, --, --, --, --, --]], mask=[[False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
     False, False, False,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
      True,  True],
    [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
     False, False, False,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
      True,  True]], fill_value=nan, dtype=float32)         #latitude values of 2 particles

def last_nonzero(lat1, axis, invalid_val=-9999):
    mask = lat1!=0
    val = lat1.shape[axis] - np.flip(mask, axis=axis).argmax(axis=axis) - 1
    return np.where(mask.any(axis=axis), val, invalid_val)

last_nonzero(lat1, axis=1, invalid_val=-9999)        #for each particle, gives the position of the last real number
print lat1[last_nonzero(lat1, axis=1, invalid_val=-9999)]

If I understand correctly, what you could do is: 如果我正确理解,您可以做的是:

  1. Get the indices of last non-zero elements (you already know how to get them): 获取最后一个非零元素的索引(您已经知道如何获取它们):

     >>> last_nonzero_indices = last_nonzero(lat1, axis=1, invalid_val=-9999) >>> last_nonzero_indices array([11, 11], dtype=int64) 
  2. Get only the valid entries of your initial array: 仅获取初始数组的有效条目:

     >>> valid_values = lat1[~lat1.mask] >>> valid_values masked_array(data=[-14.33945369720459, -14.33945369720459, -14.339454650878906, -14.339454650878906, -14.339454650878906, -14.339454650878906, -14.339454650878906, -14.339454650878906, -14.339457511901855, -14.339459419250488, -14.339459419250488, -14.339459419250488, -5.621851444244385, -5.621865272521973, -5.621881008148193, -5.621898651123047, -5.621916770935059, -5.621936321258545, -5.6219563484191895, -5.621973037719727, -5.621990203857422, -5.622012615203857, -5.622034072875977, -5.622053146362305], mask=[False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False], fill_value=nan, dtype=float32) 
  3. As the returned array is flattened, calculate corresponding indices from the indices that we calculated before: 随着返回数组的展平,请根据我们之前计算出的索引来计算相应的索引:

     >>> last_nonzero_indices = np.cumsum(last_nonzero_indices) >>> last_nonzero_indices array([11, 22], dtype=int64) 
  4. Get the desired last non-zero values: 获取所需的最后一个非零值:

     >>> valid_values[last_nonzero_indices] masked_array(data=[-14.339459419250488, -5.622034072875977], mask=[False, False], fill_value=nan, dtype=float32) 

I don't really like this solution though, and hope that someone with better knowledge on masked arrays could propose something better. 不过,我不太喜欢这种解决方案,希望对屏蔽数组有较深了解的人可以提出更好的建议。

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