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[英]How to enable rust debugging when using WSL toolchain in CLion?

I am new to rust and I am using CLion and the rust plugin from JetBrains on Windows now. 我对锈是陌生的,现在我正在Windows上使用CLion和JetBrains的锈插件。 It works well when I just compile and run. 当我只是编译并运行时,它运行良好。 But when I start debugging, it shows a dialog like this even though I switch my toolchain to WSL. 但是,当我开始调试时,即使我将工具链切换到WSL,它也会显示这样的对话框。



I wonder whether WSL is a kind of GNU toolchain. 我想知道WSL是否是一种GNU工具链。 And if it is, what should I do to enable rust debugging? 如果是的话,我应该怎么做才能启用锈调试? Thanks. 谢谢。

Rust provides two kinds of Tier 1 toolchains for the Windows operating system: pc-windows-msvc and pc-windows-gnu (for i686 and x864_64 architectures, making 4 toolchains in total). Rust为Windows操作系统提供了两种Tier 1工具链pc-windows-msvcpc-windows-gnu (用于i686x864_64体系结构,总共制作了4条工具链)。 Their differences are highlighted here: What are the differences between the GNU and MSVC Rust toolchain? 它们的区别在这里突出显示: GNU和MSVC Rust工具链之间有什么区别?

WSL requires you to use the GNU toolchain. WSL要求您使用GNU工具链。 With Rustup, you can install it and make it the default (or configure it in your IDE of choice): 使用Rustup,您可以安装它并将其设置为默认值(或在所选的IDE中对其进行配置):

rustup toolchain add stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu

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