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[英]Retrieving list of objects from application.conf

I have the following entry in Play for Scala application.conf : 我在Play for Scala application.conf有以下条目:

    jobs = [
       {number: 0, dir: "/dir1", name: "General" },
       {number: 1, dir: "/dir2", name: "Customers" }

I want to retrieve this list of objects in a Scala program: 我想在Scala程序中检索此对象列表:

    val conf = ConfigFactory.load
    val jobs = conf.getAnyRefList("jobs").asScala 

this prints 此打印

Buffer({number=0, name=General, dir=/dir1}, {number=1, name=Customers, dir=/dir2})

But how to convert the result to actual Scala objects? 但是如何将结果转换为实际的Scala对象?

Try this one: 试试这个:

case class Job(number: Int, dir: String, name: String)

object Job {
implicit val configLoader: ConfigLoader[List[Job]] = ConfigLoader(_.getConfigList).map(
    _.asScala.toList.map(config =>

Then from Confugutation DI Configuration.get[List[Job]]("jobs") 然后从Configuration.get[List[Job]]("jobs") DI Configuration.get[List[Job]]("jobs") .get Configuration.get[List[Job]]("jobs")

Here is a Config object which will extract data from a config file into a type that you specify. 这是一个Config对象,它将数据从配置文件提取为您指定的类型。

Usage: 用法:

case class Job(number: Int, dir: String, name: String)

val jobs = Config[List[Job]]("jobs")

Code: 码:

import com.typesafe.config._
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._

object Config {
  private val conf = ConfigFactory.load()
  private val jData = parse(conf.root.render(ConfigRenderOptions.concise))

  def apply[T](name: String)(implicit formats: Formats = DefaultFormats, mf: Manifest[T]): T =
    Extraction.extract(jData \\ name)(formats, mf)

This will throw an exception if the particular config object does not exist or does not match the format of T . 如果特定的配置对象不存在或与T的格式不匹配,则将引发异常。

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