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[英]interpret the html code from clipboard and paste it into html view format

I have some html code, for example, 我有一些html代码,例如,

<div><span style="background:yellowgreen">name:</span><span>Rose</span></div> , <div><span style="background:yellowgreen">name:</span><span>Rose</span></div>

I want to copy and paste the code into rich text format, which can resolve the html code into real DOM. 我想将代码复制并粘贴为RTF格式,这可以将html代码解析为真实的DOM。

I know that there is js clipBoardData, zeroClipBoard, clipBoard-polyfill, but they all have a compatibility problem. 我知道有js clipBoardData,zeroClipBoard,clipBoard-polyfill,但是它们都存在兼容性问题。 I want to write one, which can work for most browsers, how can I do this? 我想写一个适用于大多数浏览器的软件,我该怎么做? some idea? 有想法吗?

In my mind, each browser can resolve html code, and the stuff I copied also written in html , when I paste it in someplace, such as textarea in some website, the browser can interpret the stuff and display it. 在我看来,每个浏览器都可以解析html代码,而我复制的内容也都是用html编写的,当我将其粘贴到某个位置(例如某个网站的textarea时,浏览器可以解释这些内容并显示出来。 But how to achieve this? 但是如何实现呢? Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

You can do by simply setting the innerHTML of your desired element with the value of the textarea . 您可以通过简单地将所需元素的innerHTML设置为textarea的值来实现。

As for having a nice text editor to do this in the browser. 至于在浏览器中有一个不错的文本编辑器可以做到这一点。 Check out https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor . 查看https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor

 const buttonElement = document.getElementById("submit"); const inputElement = document.getElementById("input"); const outputElement = document.getElementById("output"); buttonElement.onclick = function() { output.innerHTML = inputElement.value; }; buttonElement.click(); 
 #output { border: 1px solid black; } 
 <textarea id="input"><h1>test</h1></textarea> <button id="submit">submit</button> <div id="output"> </div> 

You have to use one of the rich text editors. 您必须使用富文本编辑器之一。 Here you can see most advanced rich text editors. 在这里,您可以看到最高级的RTF编辑器。

clipboard.setData('text/plain', selection.getText());
clipboard.setData('application/officeObj’, selection.serialize());
clipboard.setData('image/bmp', draw(selection));
clipboard.setData('text/html', '<div><span style="background:yellowgreen">name:</span><span>Rose</span></div>');

This is javascript code which helps you to copy some text with type such as text/plain , text/html etc. you will need text/html 这是javascript代码,可帮助您复制一些类型为text/plaintext/html等类型的text/html 。您将需要text/html

Your question is if this code is compatible in every browsers? 您的问题是此代码是否在所有浏览器中都兼容? right? 对? As I see Here this type of clipboarevent is compatible in modern browsers. 在这里看到,这种类型的clipboarevent在现代浏览器中兼容。

Good luck. 祝好运。 If my answer helps you please please rate it as helpful 如果我的回答对您有帮助,请评价为有帮助

Check if HTML snippet is valid with Javascript - based on this I "validate" the html but I don't know if it's necessary to you, if you want or not to have just the output to be correct (even if the html string you paste is not 100% correct). 检查HTML代码段是否对Javascript有效 -基于此,我“验证”了html,但是我不知道您是否有必要,是否希望输出正确无误(即使您使用html字符串)粘贴不是100%正确)。 If you want only the output to be correct then Devan's answer is the most simple 如果只希望输出正确,那么Devan的答案是最简单的

 function tidy(html) { var d = document.createElement('div'); d.innerHTML = html; return d.innerHTML; } function print(){ //get input from textbox var htmlInputValue = document.getElementById("htmlInput").value; // "validate" as html var result = tidy(htmlInputValue); //print it document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = result; } var myInput = document.getElementById("htmlInput"); myInput.addEventListener("input", print, false); 
 #result { font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold } 
 <html> <body> <label for="input">Enter your html here </label> <input class="myInput" id="htmlInput" value=""> <p id="result"/> </body> </html> 

Edit: i added some css for bold and large text #result { font-size: 40px; 编辑:我为粗体和大文本添加了一些CSS #result {font-size:40px; font-weight: bold } 字体粗细}

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