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[英]Which database would be recommend for a python client app that can work offline

I am running a Python app on a client and I need to share a JSON file with other clients and a server. 我正在客户端上运行Python应用程序,并且需要与其他客户端和服务器共享JSON文件。 The client should be able to work offline and update the JSON file. 客户端应该能够脱机工作并更新JSON文件。 The server should also be able to edit some configuration in the JSON file. 服务器还应该能够编辑JSON文件中的某些配置。

What DB would you recommend? 您会推荐什么DB? It should be small, simple and be able to run offline and make sync operations to online DB. 它应该小巧,简单,并且可以脱机运行并与在线数据库进行同步操作。

Br Esben 埃斯本

I would recommend using PyBoxDB. 我建议使用PyBoxDB。 It is really simple and extensible, since it is all written in python. 它真的很简单且可扩展,因为它们都是用python编写的。 Here's how to use it 这是使用方法

from pyboxbeta import PyBox
database = PyBox("[database name]")
database.data[key] = value

And when you are done editing, 当您完成编辑后,


Heres the website: https://pybox.netlify.com/ 以下是网站: https//pybox.netlify.com/


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