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适用于Android的Unity Native C ++插件

[英]Unity Native C++ Plug-in for Android

I am making a native plug-in for Android written in C++ and packaged in a shared library for the Unity Game Engine. 我正在制作一个用C ++编写的Android原生插件,并打包在Unity Game Engine的共享库中。 However, I'm getting an EntryPointNotFoundException with even the default native-lib.cpp generated by Android Studio. 但是,我什至得到了EntryPointNotFoundException甚至Android Studio生成的默认native-lib.cpp。

#include <jni.h>
#include <string>

extern "C" JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_example_willgauthier_stublibrary_MainActivity_stringFromJNI(
    JNIEnv *env,
    jobject /* this */) {
std::string hello = "Hello from C++";
return env->NewStringUTF(hello.c_str());

In Android Studio I built the project. 在Android Studio中,我构建了项目。 Then in Unity I made the folder structure Assets/Plugins/Android/libs and copied over the shared libnative-lib.so libraries armeabi-v7a and x86 . 然后在Unity中,我制作了文件夹结构Assets / Plugins / Android / libs并复制到共享的libnative-lib.soarmeabi-v7ax86上

I attached this script to an empty game object: 我将此脚本附加到一个空的游戏对象上:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class LibLoadTest : MonoBehaviour
    public Text debugText;

    private static extern string stringFromJNI();

    private void Start()
             debugText.text = stringFromJNI();
        catch(Exception exception)
            debugText.text = exception.ToString();

My debugText shows "System.EntryPointNotFoundException: stringFromJNI at (wrapper managed-to-native) LibLoadTest::stringFromJNI() at LibLoadTest.Start() [0x00000] in :0" instead of "Hello from C++". 我的debugText显示“ System.EntryPointNotFoundException :(从包装器托管到本地)LibLoadTest :: stringFromJNI()在0处LibLoadTest.Start()[0x00000]处的stringFromJNI”,而不是“从C ++发出的Hello”。

Does anyone know how to successfully use a native plug-in shared library for Android in Unity and where I'm going wrong in my process? 有谁知道如何在Unity中成功使用Android的本机插件共享库以及我的处理过程出了什么问题? Thanks. 谢谢。

I figured out the issue thanks to Bonfire-Boy on the Unity Answers forums: the name of the function I should have been trying to import was Java_com_example_willgauthier_stublibrary_MainActivity_stringFromJNI , not just stringFromJNI . 我在Unity Answers论坛上通过Bonfire-Boy找出了问题所在:我应该尝试导入的函数的名称是Java_com_example_willgauthier_stublibrary_MainActivity_stringFromJNI ,而不仅仅是stringFromJNI I incorrectly assumed that because the long name was auto-generated and included the package (not sure that's the correct term) structure, that it could be ignored. 我错误地认为,由于长名称是自动生成的,并且包含了包(不确定这是正确的术语)结构,因此可以忽略它。 Deleting everything before stringFromJNI in the library function definition worked, though. 不过,删除库函数定义中stringFromJNI之前的所有内容都可以。

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