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[英]data is not transfering to thingsboard from nodered via mqtt

I try to send data to thingsboard via mqtt. 我尝试通过mqtt将数据发送到Thingsboard。 The mqtt node shows connected status but data is not transferring to thingsboard. mqtt节点显示连接状态,但数据未传输到事物板上。 Eventhough data is in json format, data is not receving in thingsboard. 即使数据为json格式,数据也无法在Thingsboard中接收。 Any help will be more helpful. 任何帮助将更加有用。

sample sending data: 样本发送数据:

{    "main-door": "closed",    "main-light": "OFF"}

You need to follow the Thingsboard rules for payload format at https://thingsboard.io/docs/getting-started-guides/helloworld/#pushing-data-using-mqtt-coap-or-http 您需要在https://thingsboard.io/docs/getting-started-guides/helloworld/#pushing-data-using-mqtt-coap-or-http上遵循有效负载格式的Thingsboard规则

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