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具有最新版本php的Drupal 6

[英]Drupal 6 with latest version php

First of all, sorry to say I am not a PHP developer. 首先,很遗憾地说我不是PHP开发人员。

Recently I have migrated my all websites to a new shared server. 最近,我已将所有网站迁移到新的共享服务器。 All are working fine except one which is running with druapl 6 platforms. 除了运行在druapl 6平台上的平台以外,其他所有平台都工作正常。 error like below 错误如下

This page isn't working drupal6.jshare.in is currently unable to handle this request. 该页面不起作用drupal6.jshare.in当前无法处理此请求。 HTTP ERROR 500 HTTP错误500

I have searched a lot and most of saying that it is the issue related to the lower PHP version used in the Drupal 6, I would like to know any hack will help to use the compatible PHP version for this specific site only in my server. 我已经搜索了很多,大多数人都说这是与Drupal 6中使用的较低PHP版本有关的问题,我想知道任何黑客攻击都只会在我的服务器中对该特定站点使用兼容的PHP版本。 Please support. 请支持。

PHP 5.6 support ends at the end of 2018 - in less than a month. 对PHP 5.6的支持将于2018年底结束-不到一个月的时间。 But, Drupal 6 is still quite popular, and a company has created an update for D6 to run under PHP7. 但是,Drupal 6仍然很受欢迎,并且一家公司为D6创建了一个更新程序,使其可以在PHP7下运行。

The company offering the extended support is "one of two companies officially blessed by the Drupal Security Team (link is external) to do so." 提供扩展支持的公司是“ Drupal安全团队正式祝福(这样做是外部的)的两家公司之一”。

You'll find release details here: https://www.mydropwizard.com/blog/drupal-6-year-2020-and-php-7-support ... and a GitHub repo with the patches here: https://github.com/d6lts/drupal/tree/php-7 您可以在以下位置找到发行详细信息: https : //www.mydropwizard.com/blog/drupal-6-year-2020-and-php-7-support ...以及带有修补程序的GitHub存储库位于此处: https:/ /github.com/d6lts/drupal/tree/php-7

Why I am posting my solution maybe it will help someone else. 为什么我发布我的解决方案,也许会对其他人有所帮助。

As I am specified in my post I don't have experience in PHP. 正如我在帖子中所指定的那样,我没有PHP经验。

So I have inspired the comment from @hardik_solanki, I had contacted the server team and they provide an option for setting the lower php version(5.6) for a specific website which is done with Druapl 6. It's sorted my issue. 因此,我从@hardik_solanki获得了启发,我联系了服务器团队,他们提供了为Druapl 6完成的为特定网站设置较低PHP版本(5.6)的选项。这解决了我的问题。

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