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[英]why and when use recompose branch?

I've searched around and after reading some stuff, I still didn't get when I use recompose branch over if-else statement in react or why even use it?我四处搜索并阅读了一些东西后,当我在反应中使用recompose branch而不是if-else语句时我仍然没有得到,或者为什么还要使用它? can anyone mention a good source or explain it?谁能提到一个好的来源或解释一下? thanks谢谢

It can be used instead of if..else or ternary operator where function composition is preferred.在首选函数组合的情况下,它可以代替if..else或三元运算符使用。 Recompose provides function composition for React components. Recompose 为 React 组件提供功能组合 As other Recompose higher-order components , branch HOC can be composed with compose :与其他Recompose 高阶组件一样, branch HOC 可以与compose

const fooPredicate = ({ type }) => (type === 'foo');
const FooHOC = Comp => props => <Comp ...props>Foo</Comp>;
const BarHOC = Comp => props => <Comp ...props type="bar">Bar</Comp>;
const FooOrBarHOC = branch(fooPredicate, FooHOC, BarHOC);
const SomeHOC = compose(BazHOC, FooOrBarHOC);
const SomeExampleComponent = SomeHOC(ExampleComponent);

All functions involved in SomeExampleComponent are reusable and can be tested and used separately from each other. SomeExampleComponent中涉及的所有函数都是可重用的,可以相互独立测试和使用。

In case the case is simple and these functions aren't expected to be used with any component except ExampleComponent , it can be simplified to:如果情况很简单,并且这些函数不希望与除ExampleComponent之外的任何组件一起使用,则可以简化为:

const SomeExampleComponent = BazHOC(props => (
  props.type === 'foo'
  ? <ExampleComponent ...props>Foo</ExampleComponent>
  : <ExampleComponent ...props type="bar">Bar</ExampleComponent>

branch from recompose is one of the best way to avoid if-else in your components重组分支是避免组件中出现 if-else 的最佳方法之一


if the condition evaluates to true then如果条件评估为真则

MyComponent is passed to the leftHOC else it is passed to the rightHOC MyComponent传递给leftHOC ,否则传递给rightHOC

Suppose you have to show a loading state till the time data is not available then we can also use renderComponent from recompose假设你必须在数据不可用之前显示加载状态,那么我们也可以使用recompose中的renderComponent


While Estus answer is good enough and answered how used instead of if..else or ternary operator, I like to mention one another of use cases of branch that we using in our project, when we want to render a component within another component based on some conditions with help of renderComponent() which is useful in combination with branch() ( In our project Usually we use it to render dumb components, modals components, etc )虽然 Estus 的回答足够好,并且回答了如何使用而不是 if..else 或三元运算符,但我想提一下我们在项目中使用的分支的另一个用例,当我们想要在另一个组件中渲染一个组件时在 renderComponent() 的帮助下的一些条件与 branch() 结合使用(在我们的项目中通常我们用它来渲染哑组件,模态组件等)

  props => props.success,

So in this example whenever props.success in our container became true, the modal component will rendered.所以在这个例子中,只要我们容器中的props.success变为真,模态组件就会被渲染。

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