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如何在React Fabric-UI的CommandBar中显示Persona组件?

[英]How can I display a Persona component in a CommandBar in React Fabric-UI?

I am trying to display a Persona component on the far right of my CommandBar component, which I use as a header for my application. 我试图在CommandBar组件的最右边显示一个Persona组件,该组件用作应用程序的标题。

Here's a code snippet 这是一个代码片段

const getFarItems = () => {
  return [
      key: 'profile',
      text: <Persona text="Kat Larrson" />,
      onClick: () => console.log('Sort')

const FabricHeader: React.SFC<props> = () => {
  return (
        ariaLabel={'Use left and right arrow keys to navigate between commands'}

This throws a type error because the text prop expects a string and not a component. 这会引发类型错误,因为text属性需要字符串而不是组件。 Any help would be appreciated! 任何帮助,将不胜感激!

Under the ICommandBarItemProps there is a property called commandBarButtonAs that the docs state: 根据ICommandBarItemProps有一个叫做财产commandBarButtonAs文档状态:

Method to override the render of the individual command bar button. 重写单个命令栏按钮的呈现的方法。 Note, is not used when rendered in overflow 注意,在溢出时不使用

And its default component is CommandBarButton which is basically a Button 它的默认组件是CommandBarButton ,它基本上是一个Button

Basically there are two ways to do this. 基本上有两种方法可以做到这一点。

  1. Keep using Button, and apply your own renderer. 继续使用Button,然后应用您自己的渲染器。 Basically the IButtonProps you can add onRenderChildren which would allow you to add any Component such as Persona to render. 基本上,可以在IButtonProps上添加onRenderChildren ,它允许您添加要渲染的任何组件(例如Persona)。 This example would show you how it is done https://codepen.io/micahgodbolt/pen/qMoYQo 此示例将向您展示如何完成此操作https://codepen.io/micahgodbolt/pen/qMoYQo
const farItems = [{
    // Set to null if you have submenus that want to hide the down arrow.
    onRenderMenuIcon: () => null, 
    // Any renderer
    onRenderChildren: () => ,
    key: 'persona',
    name: 'Persona',
    iconOnly: true,
  1. Or add your own crazy component not dependent on CommandBarButton but that means you need to handle everything like focus, accessibility yourself. 或添加您自己的不依赖CommandBarButton的疯狂组件,但这意味着您需要自己处理所有内容,例如焦点,可访问性。 This example would show you how it is done https://codepen.io/mohamedhmansour/pen/GPNKwM 此示例将向您展示如何完成此操作https://codepen.io/mohamedhmansour/pen/GPNKwM
const farItems = [
    key: 'persona',
    name: 'Persona',
    commandBarButtonAs: PersonaCommandBarComponent

function PersonaCommandBarComponent() {
  return (

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