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React + d3力图不更新最后添加的节点的位置

[英]React + d3 force graph doesn't update position of last added node

I have a React component that lets me add nodes to a d3 force graph. 我有一个React组件,可以将节点添加到d3力图中。 Whenever I add a node its position in the underlying data is updated by the simulation, but its position is not updated visually until the next node is added. 每当我添加一个节点时,其在基础数据中的位置都会通过仿真进行更新,但是直到添加下一个节点后,它的位置才会被直观地更新。 Is anybody able to spot why? 有人能找出原因吗?

I've made a stripped back example that demonstrates the issue, which can also be seen in this codesandbox : 我做了一个简单的例子来演示这个问题,也可以在以下codeandbox中看到:

import React from "react";
import shortid from "shortid";
import * as d3 from "d3";

const WIDTH = 500;
const HEIGHT = 500;

class Graph extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      nodes: [],
      value: shortid(),

  handleChange = event => {
    this.setState({ value: event.target.value });

  handleAddNode = event => {

    const newNodes = [...this.state.nodes, { id: this.state.value }];

    this.setState({ nodes: newNodes, value: shortid() });

  componentDidMount() {

  componentDidUpdate() {

  initialise = nodes => {
    const container = d3
      .attr("width", WIDTH)
      .attr("height", HEIGHT)
      .attr("class", "container")
      .attr("transform", "translate(" + WIDTH / 2 + "," + HEIGHT / 2 + ")");

    container.append("g").attr("class", "nodes");

    this.simulation = d3
      .force("charge", d3.forceManyBody())
      .force("collide", d3.forceCollide().strength(1))
      .on("tick", this.ticked);

  draw = nodes => {
    this.nodesSelection = d3

      .attr("class", "node")
      .attr("data-id", d => d.id)
      .style("fill", "red")
      .attr("r", 5);



  ticked = () => {
    this.nodesSelection.attr("cx", d => d.x).attr("cy", d => d.y);

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="c-graph-container">
        <form className="c-node-creator">
          <button onClick={this.handleAddNode}>Add</button>
        <svg ref={svg => (this.svg = svg)} className=".c-graph" />

export default Graph;

As correctly pointed out by Andrew in the comments the update selection (this.nodesSelection) doesn't include nodes that are in the enter selection (this.nodesSelection.enter()). 正如安德鲁(Andrew)在评论中正确指出的那样,更新选择(this.nodesSelection)不包括回车选择(this.nodesSelection.enter())中的节点。 Since selections are immutable, the update selection doesn't contain the entered nodes after entering unless you re-select or use a merge. 由于选择是不可变的,因此除非您重新选择或使用合并,否则更新选择在输入后不包含输入的节点。

So the fix in my case is to change the selection line to: 所以我的解决方法是将选择行更改为:

this.nodesSelection = this.nodesSelection
  .attr("class", "node")
  .attr("data-id", d => d.id)
  .style("fill", "red")
  .attr("r", 5)

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