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[英]Remove all the records from ets table having datestamp older than 10 seconds

I have an ets set table in an elixir app. 我在长生不老药应用程序中有一个ets set表。 I need to clean-up records which have their updated_at field older than 10 seconds. 我需要清理其update_at字段早于10秒的记录。 Is there a way I can set expiry or do it manually without iterating over all the records? 有没有一种方法可以设置到期时间或手动进行设置而无需遍历所有记录? I match records based on the timestamps greater than given time. 我根据大于给定时间的时间戳匹配记录。

example record: 示例记录:

key: key_1
record: %{id: key_1, updated_at: ~N[2018-12-19 10:08:47.803075]}

so far I have this code 到目前为止,我有此代码

def clean_stale(previous_key) do
  if previous_key == :"$end_of_table" do
    device = get(previous_key)
    next_key = :ets.next(__MODULE__, previous_key)
    if NaiveDateTime.diff(NaiveDateTime.utc_now, device.last_recorded_at) > 10 do

If you store the "updated at" time as an integer instead of as a NaiveDateTime struct, you can use a match spec. 如果将“更新时间”时间存储为整数而不是NaiveDateTime结构,则可以使用匹配规范。

For example, to get the current time as the number of seconds since the Unix epoch: 例如,要获取当前时间作为自Unix时代以来的秒数:

> DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now())

You can do something like this: 您可以执行以下操作:

iex(3)> :ets.new(:foo, [:public, :named_table])
iex(4)> :ets.insert(:foo, {:key1, DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now())})
iex(5)> :ets.insert(:foo, {:key2, DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.utc_now())})
iex(6)> :ets.tab2list(:foo)
[key2: 1545215144, key1: 1545215140]
iex(7)> :ets.select_delete(:foo, [{{:_, :"$1"}, [{:<, :"$1", 1545215144}], [true]}])
iex(8)> :ets.tab2list(:foo)
[key2: 1545215144]

In the call to ets:select_delete/2 , I pass a match specification . 在对ets:select_delete/2的调用中,我传递了一个match规范 It consists of three parts: 它包括三个部分:

  • With {:_, :"$1"} , I perform a match on the records in the table. 使用{:_, :"$1"} ,我对表中的记录进行匹配。 In this example, I have a tuple with two elements. 在此示例中,我有一个包含两个元素的元组。 I ignore the key with :_ , and assign the timestamp to a match variable with :"$1" . 我忽略了:_的键,并使用:"$1"将时间戳分配给匹配变量。
  • With [{:<, :"$1", 1545215144}] , I specify that I only want to match records with a timestamp before this time. 使用[{:<, :"$1", 1545215144}] ,我指定只希望在此时间之前将记录与时间戳进行匹配。 In your case, you would calculate the time ten seconds in the past and put that value here. 对于您的情况,您将计算过去十秒的时间,并将该值放在此处。
  • With [true] , I specify that I want to return true for matching records, which in the case of select_delete means "delete this record". 使用[true] ,我指定要为匹配的记录返回true ,在select_delete的情况下意味着“删除此记录”。

So after calling select_delete , only the second record remains in the table. 因此,在调用select_delete ,仅第二条记录保留在表中。

If the timestamp is inside a map, you can use map_get to access it and compare it: 如果时间戳在地图内,则可以使用map_get进行访问并进行比较:

:ets.select_delete(:foo, [{{:_, :"$1"},
                           [{:<, {:map_get, :updated_at, :"$1"}, 1545215339}],

Or (in Erlang/OTP 18.0 and later) match out the map value: 或者(在Erlang / OTP 18.0及更高版本中)匹配地图值:

:ets.select_delete(:foo, [{{:_, #{updated_at: :"$1"}},
                           [{:<, :"$1", 1545215339}],

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