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[英]How can I make my total and tax round to 2 decimal places?

When I just put in a quantity everything works as it should and rounds the .values to 2 decimal places but when I select a option in my drop down selector for lets says 6 Piece $7.99 it no longer displays the .value as 2 decimal places. 当我只是放入一个数量时,一切都会按预期进行,并将.value舍入到小数点后两位。但是,当我在下拉选择器中选择一个选项让let说6 Piece $ 7.99时,它不再将.value显示为小数点后两位。 Can anyone help me make my values for Tax and Total display 2 decimal places when a option is selected for a wing count? 选择机翼数量选项时,谁能帮助我使“税”和“总计”的值显示2个小数位?

I've already tried to add .toFixed(2) to the total and tax.value in my update() function in my script. 我已经尝试在脚本的update()函数中将.toFixed(2)添加到totaltax.value中。

<tr style="background-color:black; color:white" >
    <th>Menu Item</th>
    <td>Boneless Chicken Wings</td>
    <td><input type="text" value="" name="QTY" id="QTY" onKeyUp="multiply()" /></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="PPRICE" id="PPRICE" value="5.99" disabled="disabled" readonly/></td>
        <form action="/action_page.php">
            <select id="BONELESS_COUNT" onkeyup="update()" onchange="update()">
            <option value="0.00" name="4PCBL" id="4PCBL">4 Piece $5.99</option>
            <option value="2.00" name="6PCBL" id="6PCBL">6 Piece $7.99</option>
            <option value="4.00" name="12PCBL" id="12PCBL">12 Piece $9.99</option>
            <select name="Preparation">
            <option value="Baked">Baked</option>
            <option value="Fried">Fried</option>
            <select name="Flavor">
            <option>Lemon Pepper</option>

    <td><input type="text" name="4PCBLM" id="4PCBLM" value="1" disabled="disabled" style="display:none"readonly/></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="6PCBLM" id="6PCBLM" value="1" disabled="disabled" style="display:none"readonly/></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="12PCBLM" id="12PCBLM" value="1" disabled="disabled" style="display:none"readonly/></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="TAXDIV" id="TAXDIV" value="100" disabled="disabled" style="display:none"readonly/></td>
    <td align="right"><strong>Subtotal $</strong></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="SUBTOTAL" id="SUBTOTAL"></td>
    <td align="right" style="display:none"><strong>Salestax</strong></td>
    <td><input type="text"name="SALESTAX" id="SALESTAX" value="11" disabled="disabled"  style="display:none" readonly/></td>
    <td align="right"><strong>Tax $</strong></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="TAX" id="TAX" /></td>
    <td align="right"><strong>Total $</strong></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="TOTAL" id="TOTAL"></td>

function multiply() {
    a = Number(document.getElementById('QTY').value);
    b = Number(document.getElementById('PPRICE').value);
    c = Number(document.getElementById('4PCBL').value);
    d = Number(document.getElementById('4PCBLM').value);
    e = Number(document.getElementById('6PCBL').value);
    f = Number(document.getElementById('6PCBLM').value);
    g = Number(document.getElementById('12PCBL').value);
    h = Number(document.getElementById('12PCBLM').value);

    i = a * b;
    j = Number(document.getElementById('SALESTAX').value);
    k = i * j;
    l = Number(document.getElementById('TAXDIV').value);
    m = k / l;
    n = i + m;

    document.getElementById('SUBTOTAL').value = i.toFixed(2);
    document.getElementById('TAX').value = m.toFixed(2);
    document.getElementById('TOTAL').value = n.toFixed(2);

function update() {
  var pprice    = document.getElementById("PPRICE")
  var subtotal  = document.getElementById("SUBTOTAL")
  var tax       = document.getElementById("TAX")
  var total  = document.getElementById("TOTAL")
  qty    = document.getElementById("QTY")
  choice = document.getElementById("BONELESS_COUNT")
  pprice.value = b + (choice.options[choice.selectedIndex].value * QTY.value)
  subtotal.value = i + (choice.options[choice.selectedIndex].value * QTY.value)
  tax.value = (subtotal.value * j) / l
  total.value = (b + (choice.options[choice.selectedIndex].value * QTY.value)) * j / l + (b + (choice.options[choice.selectedIndex].value * QTY.value))

It looks like you forgot to also use .toFixed(2) in your update function, ie 看来您忘记了在更新功能中也使用.toFixed(2) ,即

tax.value = ((subtotal.value * j) / l).toFixed(2)
total.value = ((b + (choice.options[choice.selectedIndex].value * QTY.value)) * j / l + (b + (choice.options[choice.selectedIndex].value * QTY.value))).toFixed(2)

You could greatly simplify your code down to just this. 您可以大大简化代码,仅此而已。 Notice that giving variables proper names rather than "a, b, c.." makes things much easier to understand and will help you a lot when you're trying to figure out why things aren't working. 请注意,给变量起适当的名称而不是“ a,b,c ..”可以使事情更容易理解,并且在您试图弄清事情为什么不起作用时将为您提供很多帮助。

Also, you really want to declare variables with let (if the value may change later), or const (if the value will never change). 另外,您真的想用let (如果值以后可能会更改)或const (如果值永远不会更改)来声明变量。 Note that each time update() gets called, the const variables there get recreated since they are scoped inside of the function. 请注意,每次调用update()时,都会重新创建其中的const变量,因为它们的作用域在函数内部。 The values they hold never get changed within the function, so they can be const . 它们持有的值永远不会在函数中更改,因此它们可以是const

Without using let or const you are creating global variables which will cause you a lot of problems. 如果不使用letconst ,则会创建全局变量,这将导致很多问题。

 // I am prepending $ to variable names to remind me that these are HTML elements const $qty = document.getElementById("QTY"); const $choice = document.getElementById("BONELESS_COUNT"); const $subtotal = document.getElementById("SUBTOTAL"); const $pprice = document.getElementById("PPRICE"); const $tax = document.getElementById("TAX"); const $total = document.getElementById("TOTAL"); const salesTaxRate = Number(document.getElementById("SALESTAX").value) / 100; function update() { const qty = Number($qty.value); const meal_price = Number($choice.options[$choice.selectedIndex].value); const subtotal = qty * meal_price; const tax = subtotal * salesTaxRate; const total = subtotal + tax; $subtotal.value = subtotal.toFixed(2); $pprice.value = subtotal.toFixed(2); $tax.value = tax.toFixed(2); $total.value = total.toFixed(2); } 
 <table> <tr style="background-color:black; color:white"> <th>Menu Item</th> <th>Quantity</th> <th>Price</th> <th>Preference</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Boneless Chicken Wings</td> <td><input type="text" value="" name="QTY" id="QTY" onKeyUp="update()" /></td> <td><input type="text" name="PPRICE" id="PPRICE" value="" disabled="disabled" readonly/></td> </td> <td> <form action="/action_page.php"> <select id="BONELESS_COUNT" onkeyup="update()" onchange="update()"> <option value="5.99" name="4PCBL" id="4PCBL">4 Piece $5.99</option> <option value="7.99" name="6PCBL" id="6PCBL">6 Piece $7.99</option> <option value="9.99" name="12PCBL" id="12PCBL">12 Piece $9.99</option> </select> <select name="Preparation"> <option value="Baked">Baked</option> <option value="Fried">Fried</option> </select> <select name="Flavor"> <option>Original</option> <option>Buffalo</option> <option>Parmesian</option> <option>Lemon Pepper</option> <option>BBQ</option> </select> </form> </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- not sure what this is for? --> <td></td> <td><input type="text" name="4PCBLM" id="4PCBLM" value="1" disabled="disabled" style="display:none" readonly/></td> <td><input type="text" name="6PCBLM" id="6PCBLM" value="1" disabled="disabled" style="display:none" readonly/></td> <td><input type="text" name="12PCBLM" id="12PCBLM" value="1" disabled="disabled" style="display:none" readonly/></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td align="right"><strong>Subtotal $</strong></td> <td><input type="text" name="SUBTOTAL" id="SUBTOTAL"></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td align="right" style="display:none"><strong>Salestax</strong></td> <!-- you could just put this directly in your code --> <td><input type="text" name="SALESTAX" id="SALESTAX" value="11" disabled="disabled" style="display:none" readonly/></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td align="right"><strong>Tax $</strong></td> <td><input type="text" name="TAX" id="TAX" /></td> <td></td> </tr> <td></td> <td></td> <tr> <td></td> <td align="right"><strong>Total $</strong></td> <td><input type="text" name="TOTAL" id="TOTAL"></td> <td></td> </tr> 

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