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[英]How to match any letter in SQL?

I want to return rows where certain fields follow a particular pattern such as whether a particular character in a string is a letter or number. 我想返回某些字段遵循特定模式的行,例如字符串中的特定字符是字母还是数字。 To test it out, I want to return fields where the first letter is any letter. 为了进行测试,我想返回第一个字母是任何字母的字段。 I used this code. 我用了这段代码。

SELECT * FROM sales WHERE `customerfirstname` like '[a-z]%';

It returns nothing. 它什么也不返回。 So I would think that the criteria is the first character is a letter and then any following characters do not matter. 因此,我认为准则是第一个字符是字母,然后任何后续字符都没有关系。 The following code works, but limits rows where the first character is an a. 以下代码有效,但是限制了第一个字符为a的行。

SELECT * FROM sales WHERE `customerfirstname` like 'a%';

Am I not understanding pattern matching? 我不了解模式匹配吗? Isn't it [az] or [AZ] or [0-9] for any letter or number? 是不是字母或数字是[az]或[AZ]或[0-9]? Also if I wanted to run this test on the second character in a string, wouldn't I use 另外,如果我想对字符串中的第二个字符运行此测试,我不会使用

SELECT * FROM `sales` WHERE `customerfirstname` like '_[a-z]%' 

This is for SQL and MySQL. 这适用于SQL和MySQL。 I am doing this in phpmyadmin. 我在phpmyadmin中这样做。

You want to use regular expressions: 您要使用正则表达式:

FROM sales s
WHERE s.customerfirstname REGEXP '^[a-zA-Z]';

This can be achieved with a regular expression. 这可以通过正则表达式来实现。

SELECT * FROM sales WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(customerfirstname, '^[[:alpha:]]');

^ denotes the start of the string, while the [:alpha] character class matches any alphabetic character. ^表示字符串的开头,而[:alpha]字符类与任何字母字符匹配。

Just in case, here are a few others character classes that you may find useful : 以防万一,这里还有一些其他的字符类,您可能会发现它们有用:

  • alnum : dlphanumeric characters alnum :字母数字字符
  • digit : digit characters digit :数字字符
  • lower : lowercase alphabetic characters lower :小写字母字符
  • upper : uppercase alphabetic characters upper :大写字母字符

See the mysql regexp docs for many more... 有关更多信息,请参见mysql regexp文档

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