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[英]React components in existing application

I started adding React components to an existing website. 我开始将React组件添加到现有网站。 I currently have a simple component that looks like this. 我目前有一个看起来像这样的简单组件。

'use strict';

const element = React.createElement

class CourseForm extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      someObject: ''

  changeObject() {
    //this value will change on various events
    this.setState({ someObject: {key: value} })

  render() {
    return (

        This is a react form!


const domContainer = document.querySelector('#react-course-form')
ReactDOM.render(element(CourseForm), domContainer)

An html element is used to show the component. html元素用于显示组件。

<div id="react-course-form"></div>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/babel-standalone@6/babel.min.js"></script>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/react@16/umd/react.development.js" crossorigin></script>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@16/umd/react-dom.development.js" crossorigin></script>

  <!-- Load React component. -->
  <script type="text/babel" src="./js/components/CourseTabs.jsx"></script>
  <script type="text/babel" src="./js/components/CourseForm.jsx"></script>

What I would like to do is include another componen, and send it data on events from this component. 我想做的是包含另一个组件,并向该组件发送有关事件的数据。

render() {
    return (

    This is a react form!
    <button onClick={this.changeObject}>change</button>

    <div id="another-component" sendObject="this.state.someObject">
    <div id="another-component2" sendObject="this.state.someObject">


So I basically want the child components to be aware of what someObject is because they will be displaying data from that object. 因此,我基本上希望子组件知道someObject是什么,因为它们将显示该对象的数据。

You can create another component and import in in your CourseForm component. 您可以创建另一个组件,然后导入CourseForm组件。 Then you can just use it in your render method and send it the props as you do now in your example. 然后,您可以像在示例中一样在渲染方法中使用它并发送道具。 You're using regular divs no though so it won't work. 您现在仍未使用常规div,因此无法正常工作。

example: 例:

<AnotherComponent sendObject={this.state.someObject} />

When the state updates in your CourseForm component the child components will rerender automatically with the new data to it as props. 当您的CourseForm组件中的状态更新时,子组件将自动重新呈现新数据,并将其作为道具。

First create your new component: 首先创建您的新组件:

class AnotherComponent extends Component {
  // Your code goes in here. You can access the object data you send 
  // in by props by grabbing it from this.props.someObject

Then import it as a component in your CourseForm component: 然后将其作为组件导入到CourseForm组件中:

import AnotherComponent from '.. your filepath here';

And use AnotherComponent in your render method in CourseForm: 并在CourseForm的渲染方法中使用AnotherComponent:

<AnotherComponent sendObject={this.state.someObject} />

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