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测试使用“FieldList”和“FormField”的 Flask-WTF 表单

[英]Testing Flask-WTF forms that use `FieldList` and `FormField`

I wrote some forms using flask-wtf that use FieldList and FormField , and I want to test them using pytest .我使用 flask-wtf 编写了一些使用FieldListFormField的表单,我想使用pytest测试它们。 It's a bulk insertion of data from an uploaded CSV这是从上传的 CSV 中批量插入数据

These are my forms:这些是我的表格:

# myapp/admin/forms.py

from wtforms import Form as NoCsrfForm

class SimpleRegistrationForm(NoCsrfForm):

    email = StringField('Email')
    username = StringField('Username')
    password = StringField('Password')

from flask_wtf import FlaskForm    

class BulkUserCreationForm(FlaskForm):

    users = FieldList(FormField(SimpleRegistrationForm))
    submitted = HiddenField()
    submit = SubmitField('Register all')

    def is_submitted(self):
        from flask import request
        return super().is_submitted() and 'submitted' in request.form

Note that I'm skipping imports and other stuff.请注意,我正在跳过进口和其他东西。 Also, I used submitted to stop my @app.route from passing validate_on_submit() .另外,我使用submitted来阻止我的@app.route通过validate_on_submit()

This is a part of my test:这是我测试的一部分

# a part of a test
# (...) mumble mumble
        from myapp.admin.forms import (
            BulkUserCreationForm, SimpleRegistrationForm)

        usr_form_1 = SimpleRegistrationForm(username="user1",

        usr_form_2 = SimpleRegistrationForm(username="user2",

        usr_form_full = BulkUserCreationForm(
            users=[usr_form_1, usr_form_2])

        # user issues a POST request
        rv = client.post(

        assert something_happened()

I'm struggling on how to craft the data argument of post() .我正在努力研究如何制作post()data参数。 So far I've read three approaches到目前为止,我已经阅读了三种方法

  • This solution uses data as tuples, but I don't understand the binding between tuples and forms for something like BulkUserCreationForm.users该解决方案将数据用作元组,但我不了解元组和表单之间的绑定,例如BulkUserCreationForm.users
  • This solution relies on usr_form_full.data of a form instance, which returns a dictionary. 此解决方案依赖于表单实例的usr_form_full.data ,它返回一个字典。 In the mentioned SO answer, it seems to work, but in my case (and for the code I show) I'm getting an error of the form:在提到的 SO 答案中,它似乎有效,但在我的情况下(以及我展示的代码)我收到了以下形式的错误:

     /src/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/werkzeug/test.py:349: DeprecationWarning: it's no longer possible to pass dicts as `data`. Use tuples or FileStorage objects instead
  • Googling this error returned this (and not much more).谷歌搜索这个错误返回这个(而不是更多)。 This solution uses hardcoded values, so instead I went for something (I believe) more or less better:该解决方案使用硬编码值,因此我(我相信)或多或少地做了一些更好的事情:

     data_full = {field.label.field_id: field.data for form in usr_form_full.users for field in form}

and passed this to the data attribute.并将其传递给data属性。 It didn't work.它没有用。 For some reason the rendered .data attribute does not behave like expected, returning a different repr (I expected to see the actual value ).由于某种原因,呈现的.data属性的行为与预期不同,返回了不同的repr (我希望看到实际)。

    >>> print(data_full)
    {'users-0-email': <wtforms.fields.core.StringField object at 0x7f1704f68cc0>, 'users-0-username': <wtforms.fields.core.StringField object at 0x7f1704fa5e10>, 'users-0-password': <wtforms.fields.core.StringField object at 0x7f1704f539e8>, 'users-1-email': <wtforms.fields.core.StringField object at 0x7f1704f26a90>, 'users-1-username': <wtforms.fields.core.StringField object at 0x7f1704f26f98>, 'users-1-password': <wtforms.fields.core.StringField object at 0x7f1704f26828>}

In short, none of the above approaches worked in my test.简而言之,上述方法均未在我的测试中奏效。 What's the right approach?什么是正确的方法? Do I need to pass submit and submitted values to my form instance as well?我还需要将submitsubmitted的值传递给我的表单实例吗?

For anyone who lands here and is trying to pytest the FieldList/FormField combination, which foiled me for much too long, here's how I handled it in my Flask app.对于登陆这里并尝试对 FieldList/FormField 组合进行 pytest 的任何人,这让我很长时间都被挫败了,这里是我在我的 Flask 应用程序中处理它的方式。

I eventually realized that the form information being sent to my code by the POST request could be accessed using request.form .我最终意识到可以使用request.form访问通过 POST 请求发送到我的代码的表单信息。 So I put in return request.form in my endpoint function just after the form was submitted, which let me view what the page was returning as a dictionary.因此,我在提交表单后将return request.form放入我的端点函数中,这让我可以查看页面作为字典返回的内容。 It looked something like this:它看起来像这样:

    "my_fields-0-help_text": "test", 
    "my_fields-1-help_text": "", 
    "my_fields-2-help_text": ""

WTForms takes the name of the field list and attaches a hyphen, a numerical identifier, another hyphen, and the attribute of the FormField. WTForms 采用字段列表的名称并附加一个连字符、一个数字标识符、另一个连字符和 FormField 的属性。

So this is a simplified version of what I needed to test:所以这是我需要测试的简化版本:

class MyFieldForm(FlaskForm):
    help_text = TextAreaField()

    def __init__(self, field_id=None, field_name=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super(MyFieldForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.field_id = field_id
        self.field_name = field_name

class MyHelpTextForm(FlaskForm):
    my_fields = FieldList(FormField(MyFieldForm))
    submit = SubmitField('Submit Changes')

And this is a simplified version of the working test I used:这是我使用的工作测试的简化版本:

def test_page(client):
    with client as c:
        obj = get_obj(ParentObject) # Function written elsewhere to get the parent object
        my_field = get_obj(my_field, obj) # Function written elsewhere to get the child object
        assert my_field.parent == obj
        assert not my_field.help_text
        vals = {
            'my_fields-0-help_text': 'help text'
        response = c.post('path/to/page', data=vals, follow_redirects=True)
        assert b'help text' in response.data
        assert my_field.help_text == 'help text'

In my case I wanted to test that the parameters passed to my form get passed to a downstream function.在我的例子中,我想测试传递到我的表单的参数是否传递到下游函数。

    form = MyForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
       args = unpack_form(form)

I had the same issue with mocking nested FormField values, so the solution I came up with is to provide a data dictionary where keys are the fields of your form.我在模拟嵌套的 FormField 值时遇到了同样的问题,所以我想出的解决方案是提供一个数据字典,其中键是表单的字段。 If a field is a FormField add a dash between parent field name and nested form field name:如果字段是 FormField,则在父字段名称和嵌套表单字段名称之间添加破折号:

{"parent_form_field-nested_form_field" : "value"}

For example to test this例如测试这个

class ContactDetailsForm(FlaskForm):
    phone_number = StringField("Phone number")
    email = StringField("Email")

class UserForm(FlaskForm):
    name = StringField("Name")
    work_contact = FormField(ContactDetailsForm)
    home_contact = FormField(ContactDetailsForm)

Write the following mock编写以下模拟

def test_user_form(app):
    data = {
        "name": "John",
        "work_contact-phone_number": "1234",
        "work_contact-email": "john@work.com",
        "home_contact-phone_number": "5678",
        "home_contact-email": "john@home.com"
    app.post("/user_form", data=data)

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