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[英]unwrap inner json object using jackson

I've got a JSON that looks like this 我有一个看起来像这样的JSON

    "file": "sample.txt",
    "valid": "true",
    "parameters": {
         "size": "15kb",
         "charset": "UTF-8",

But I want to deserialize it as a single object. 但我想将其反序列化为单个对象。 Not like this 不是这样的

class ValidatedFile {
    String file;
    boolean valid;
    FileParameters params;

but like this 但是像这样

class ValidatedFile {
    String file;
    boolean valid;
    String size;
    String charset;

I need to do some kind of unwrapping of this object. 我需要做一些这个对象的展开。 How to do it using jackson ? 怎么用jackson呢?

Use @JsonProperty("parameters") : 使用@JsonProperty("parameters")

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;

import java.util.Map;

public class Product {

    String file;
    boolean valid;
    String size;
    String charset;

    private void unpackNested(Map<String,Object> parameters) {
        this.size = (String)parameters.get("size");
        this.charset = (String)parameters.get("charset");


Other approaches . 其他方法

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