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Drupal 7:从万神殿到本地环境

[英]Drupal 7: from pantheon to a Local environment

I have a website on pantheon I want to copy this website to local so I created a database and then from the backup of the database and using command line I was able to import the backup to the database created on local also I did a clone of the code by running the command git clone and then I copied the files using sftp on the console I can see some 我在pantheon上有一个网站,我想将此网站复制到本地,所以我创建了一个数据库,然后从数据库的备份中使用命令行,可以将备份导入到在本地创建的数据库中,我也做了一个克隆通过运行命令git clone的代码,然后我在控制台上使用sftp复制了文件,我可以看到一些

mkdir : No such file or directory

but no error 但没有错误

At the end when I try to open the website it Opens with no error but also with no style no images just the content. 最后,当我尝试打开网站时,它没有错误但没有样式地打开,仅图像没有内容。

What did I miss? 我错过了什么?

I think you are missing to copy files from server. 我认为您缺少从服务器复制文件的功能。 Which is in site/default/files . 这在site/default/files If you are unable to download the directory then check permission on server. 如果无法下载目录,请检查服务器上的权限。 By default Drupal stores all images and image styles in sites/default/files or you can change path for public and private file by config>media>file system . 默认情况下,Drupal将所有图像和图像样式存储在sites/default/files或者您可以通过config>media>file system更改公共和私有文件的路径。 If you have all images but they are not showing on front end then just update path on config>media>file system and save. 如果您拥有所有图像,但它们未在前端显示,则只需在config>media>file system上更新路径并保存。

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