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将屏幕设置为在所有Windows PC尺寸上格式化

[英]Setting Screen to Format on all Windows PC sizes

The game looks fine inside the Unity screen view, but if I build and choose a different resolution screen size the game looks goofy and dis-proportioned. 在Unity屏幕视图中,该游戏看起来不错,但是如果我构建并选择其他分辨率的屏幕尺寸,则该游戏看起来很笨拙,而且不成比例。 Especially when I go into full screen mode. 尤其是当我进入全屏模式时。 I'm using Unity 2019.1.1a (I think it's still in beta?). 我正在使用Unity 2019.1.1a(我认为它仍处于beta中)。 I'm developing a top down 2D game for Windows PC. 我正在为Windows PC开发自上而下的2D游戏。

How can I fix it to where the game will look the same on any screen size? 如何将其固定到在任何屏幕尺寸下游戏都看起来相同的位置?

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