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[英]should be factors with the same levels, error and reference

I have this code (below) and need to use CARET and split the data set in 40% of all data in the dataset should be in trainset, the rest in testset; 我有下面的代码,需要使用CARET并将数据集拆分为数据集中所有数据的40%,这些数据集应该在trainset中,其余的在testset中; the payment variable should be distributed equally across the split but the code of the confusionmatrixline gives an error which says: 付款变量应在拆分之间平均分配,但是confusionmatrixline的代码给出了一个错误,指出:

"Error: data and reference should be factors with the same levels." “错误:数据和参考应该是具有相同水平的因素。”

EDIT: the payment variable is a binominal variable so 0 (no) and 1 (yes). 编辑:付款变量是一个二项式变量,所以0(否)和1(是)。 gdp are just numbers GDP只是数字

Sample dataset: (don't now how to make a table here yet) 样本数据集:(现在不在这里如何制作表格)

payment    gdp 

0          838493

1         9303032

0          72738 

1        38300022

1         283283

How to fix this?? 如何解决这个问题?

My code: 我的代码:

 `index <- createDataPartition(y = dataset$payment, p = 0.40, list = F)
 trainset <- dataset[index, ]
 testset <- dataset[-index, ]

payment_knn <- train(payment ~ gdp, method = "knn", data = trainset, 
trControl = trainControl(method = 'cv', number = 5))
predicted_outcomes <- predict(payment_knn, testset)
conMX_pay <- confusionMatrix(predicted_outcomes, testset$payment) 
conMX_pay `

This is purely for illustration purposes. 这纯粹是出于说明目的。 Make sure test data is the same as train data. 确保测试数据与训练数据相同。

df<-df %>% 
control<-trainControl(method="cv",number = 10)


This works fine given the data in your question. 给定您问题中的数据,此方法效果很好。 Warnings because the data set is too small. 警告,因为数据集太小。 Purely for illustration. 纯粹用于说明。 Data Used: 使用的数据:

payment      gdp
1       0   838493
2       1  9303032
3       0    72738
4       1 38300022
5       1   283283

Cheers! 干杯!


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