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[英]Decoding errors in elm 0.19

I am new to elm and I having a very hard time parsing a json from html to elm and using it. 我是elm的新手,我很难将json从html解析为elm并使用它。

This is what I am trying to do: 这就是我想要做的:

In my html doc: 在我的HTML文档中:

var app = Elm.Main.init({
    node: document.getElementById("app"),
    flags: questions

then in elm: 然后在榆树:

main =
  Browser.element { init = init, update = update, subscriptions = subscriptions, view = view }


type alias Model = 
       questionsToAnswer: List QuestionToAnswer
     , currentQuestion: Int
     , initializeGame: Bool

type alias QuestionToAnswer =
        question: String
     ,  a: String
     ,  b: String
     ,  c: String
     ,  d: String
     ,  answer: String

questionDecoder : Decoder QuestionToAnswer

questionDecoder =
    map6 QuestionToAnswer 
         (field "question" string)
         (field "A" string)
         (field "B" string)
         (field "C" string)
         (field "D" string)
         (field "answer" string)

init : Json.Decode.Value -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init questions =
  (Model (getQuestions questions) 0 True, Cmd.none)

getQuestions : Json.Decode.Value -> List QuestionToAnswer

getQuestions questions =
 case(decodeValue questionDecoder questions) of
   Ok question ->
   _ ->
       [ QuestionToAnswer "me" "me" "me" "me" "me" "me"]

My json looks like this: 我的json看起来像这样:

  "question": "In mobster lingo, if you 'sing like a canary' what are you doing?",
  "A": "impersonating Sinatra",
  "B": "talking to the cops",
  "C": "killing an enemy",
  "D": "betting on horses",
  "answer": "B"

I am outputting all the response as debug.toString in the view just to see what is happening because I also don't know how to log the error that was being produced before. 我在视图中输出所有响应作为debug.toString只是为了看看发生了什么,因为我也不知道如何记录之前生成的错误。 The compiler says my call to getQuestions questions produces a Json.Decode.error which I find difficult to believe because I think everything looks ok to me. 编译器说我对getQuestions问题的调用会产生一个Json.Decode.error,我觉得很难相信,因为我觉得一切看起来都不错。

The error: 错误:

"{\\"question\\":\\"In mobster lingo, if you 'sing like a canary' what are you doing?\\",\\"A\\":\\"impersonating Sinatra\\",\\"B\\":\\"talking to the cops\\",\\"C\\":\\"killing an enemy\\",\\"D\\":\\"betting on horses\\",\\"answer\\":\\"B\\"}" Expecting an OBJECT with a field named question “{\\”问题\\“:\\”在流氓行话中,如果你像金丝雀一样'你在做什么?',“A”:“模仿Sinatra”,“B”: “与警察交谈”,“C”:“杀死一个敌人”,“D”:“投注马匹”,“回答”:“\\”B \\“}”期待带有名为question的字段的OBJECT

It looks like you're passing a string in as flags , not a JSON object. 看起来你正在将字符串作为flags传递,而不是JSON对象。 If so, you can do one of two things: 如果是这样,你可以做以下两件事之一:

1: Parse the JSON string on the JavaScript side, before passing it to Elm via flags : 1:在通过flags传递给Elm之前,在JavaScript端解析JSON字符串:

var app = Elm.Main.init({
    node: document.getElementById("app"),
    flags: JSON.parse(questions)

The downside to this approach is that if an error happen during parsing it happens on the JavaScript-side and has to be handled there. 这种方法的缺点是,如果在解析过程中发生错误,它将发生在JavaScript端,并且必须在那里处理。 If you need to deal with the error in Elm, you have to pass a more complex structure to flags that can represent both errors and success. 如果需要处理Elm中的错误,则必须将更复杂的结构传递给可以表示错误和成功的flags

2: Use decodeString instead of decodeValue , and change the type of init and getQuestions accordingly: 2:使用decodeString而不是decodeValue ,并相应地更改initgetQuestions的类型:

init : String -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init questions =
  (Model (getQuestions questions) 0 True, Cmd.none)

getQuestions : String -> List QuestionToAnswer
getQuestions questions =
 case (decodeString questionDecoder questions) of
   Ok question ->
   _ ->
       [ QuestionToAnswer "me" "me" "me" "me" "me" "me"]

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