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为什么标签控件不能将DIV呈现为HTML(AllowHtmlString = true)

[英]Why label control does not render DIV as HTML (AllowHtmlString=true)

I want to center some of the strings. 我想中心的某些字符串。

I saw it. 我看到了。

https://documentation.devexpress.com/WindowsForms/9536/Controls-and-Libraries/Editors-and-Simple-Controls/Simple-Editors/Examples/How-to-Format-Text-in-LabelControl-Using-HTML-Tags https://documentation.devexpress.com/WindowsForms/9536/Controls-and-Libraries/Editors-and-Simple-Controls/Simple-Editors/Examples/How-to-Format-Text-in-LabelControl-Using-HTML-标签

So, I wrote this code. 所以,我写了这段代码。

        labelControl1.Text = "<div style=\"text-align:center;\">center</div><br>" +
                                    "<size=14>Size = 14<br>" +
                                    "Bold <i>Italic</i> <u>Underline</u><br>" +
                                    "<color=255, 0, 0>Sample Text</color></size>";
        labelControl1.AllowHtmlString = true;
        labelControl1.Appearance.TextOptions.WordWrap = WordWrap.Wrap;
        labelControl1.Appearance.Options.UseTextOptions = true;
        labelControl1.AutoSizeMode = LabelAutoSizeMode.Vertical;

But, it didn't work. 但是,它没有用。


What is the problem with it? 有什么问题吗?

According to the documentation , only specific HTML tags are supported, and div is not in the list. 根据文档 ,仅支持特定的HTML标记,并且div不在列表中。

Depending on your requirements, you might split the text into two labels, one centered (AutoSize=False, TextAlign=MiddleCenter) and one with HTML. 根据您的要求,您可以将文本分为两个标签,一个标签居中(AutoSize = False,TextAlign = MiddleCenter),另一个标签为HTML。

According to HTML Text Formatting documentation , LabelControl.AllowHtmlString property support these tags and "pseudotags" (tags which not exist in current HTML standard but can be used for rendering purpose in label control): 根据HTML文本格式设置文档LabelControl.AllowHtmlString属性支持以下标记和“伪标记”(当前HTML标准中不存在但可用于标记控件中呈现的标记):

Normal HTML tags 普通HTML标签

  • <b> - bold text <b> -粗体字

  • <i> - italic text <i> -斜体文字

  • <s> - strikethrough <s> -删除线

  • <u> - underline <u> -下划线

  • <br> (current HTML equivalent is <br /> ) <br> (当前HTML等效为<br />

Pseudotags 伪标签

  • <color> (equivalent to CSS color ) <color> (等同于CSS color

  • <backcolor> (equivalent to CSS background-color ) <backcolor> (等效于CSS background-color

  • <size> (equivalent to CSS font-size ) <size> (相当于CSS font-size

  • <image=value> (equivalent to HTML <img src="value"> ) <image=value> (等同于HTML <img src="value">

  • <href=url> (equivalent to HTML <a href="url"> ) <href=url> (等同于HTML <a href="url">

  • <nbsp> (equivalent to HTML &nbsp; ) <nbsp> (等同于HTML &nbsp;

The HTML <div> tag is not included in supported tags mentioned above, hence it will rendered as standard text instead. HTML <div>标记未包含在上述支持的标记中,因此它将呈现为标准文本。

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