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[英]Getting error TS1241: Unable to resolve signature of method decorator when called as an expression

I created a new project from loopback 4 cli ( lb4 app ) 我从回送4 cli( lb4 app )创建了一个新项目

When I open the PingController with WebStorm, I see this error in the @get decorator: 当我使用WebStorm打开PingController时,我在@get装饰器中看到此错误:

TS1241: Unable to resolve signature of method decorator when called as an expression.

after reading here I set the target in tsconfig.json to es2017 and it indeed removed that error, but now I'm getting this error in very import line: 这里阅读后我将tsconfig.json中的目标设置为es2017并确实消除了该错误,但是现在我在非常导入行中收到此错误:

TS2307: Cannot find module '@loopback/xxxxx'

Adding "module": "commonjs" to the compiler options in tsconfig.json worked for me. "module": "commonjs"中的编译器选项中添加"module": "commonjs"对我有用。

Also make sure to use TypeScript 3.2 or later, I think the loopback-sceleton needs it. 另外,请确保使用TypeScript 3.2或更高版本,我认为回送加速器需要它。 With it, I think you shouldn't need to add the target-version, since the configuration extends from loopback. 有了它,我认为您不需要添加目标版本,因为配置是从环回扩展的。


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