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在Azure Devops的cURL请求中使用环境变量

[英]Using Environment Variables in a cURL request on Azure Devops

I'm trying to upload a zip file to Netlify with a command line task using cURL on Azure DevOps. 我正在尝试使用Azure DevOps上的cURL通过命令行任务将zip文件上传到Netlify。

Obviously I don't want to have my Netlify access token in the yaml file, so I've created a secret variable for it (using the UI designer) and mapped it using the syntax in the docs . 显然,我不想在yaml文件中使用Netlify访问令牌,因此我已经为其创建了一个秘密变量(使用UI设计器),并使用docs中的语法对其进行了映射。

However I keep getting a 401 back from Netlify. 但是我一直从Netlify获得401。 I can confirm via POSTMAN that the access token is valid. 我可以通过POSTMAN确认访问令牌有效。 So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. 所以我不确定我在做什么错。 Am I using the env variables incorrectly in the request? 我在请求中错误地使用了env变量吗?

here's the portion of the YAML file that deals with uploading the file. 这是YAML文件中用于上传文件的部分。

- script:  >-
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer $env:ACCESS_TOKEN' 
      -H 'Content-Type: application/zip'
      --data-binary '@$(Build.BuildId).zip'
  workingDirectory: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
  displayName: 'Upload to Netlify'
    ACCESS_TOKEN: $netlifyAccessToken
    SITE_ID: $netlifySiteId

Response from Netlify: Netlify的回复:

{"code":401,"message":"Access Denied: Origin returned bad status 401"}` 

EDIT: 编辑:

Below is the full YAML file after I managed to get it working using the 'input-macro' syntax from the docs 以下是我设法使用文档中的“ input-macro”语法使其正常工作后的完整YAML文件

- master

  vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'

  configuration: debug
  platform: x64

- task: DotNetCoreInstaller@0
  displayName: Install .NET Core SDK
  name: install_dotnetcore_sdk
  enabled: true
    packageType: 'sdk'
    version: '2.2.101'

- script: dotnet tool install -g Wyam.Tool
  displayName: Install Wyam

- script: wyam
  displayName: Build Site 

- task: ArchiveFiles@2
  displayName: Zip Site
    rootFolderOrFile: '$(Agent.BuildDirectory)/s/output' 
    includeRootFolder: true
    archiveType: 'zip'
    archiveFile: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/$(Build.BuildId).zip' 
    replaceExistingArchive: true

- script:  >-
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer $(netlifyAccessToken)' 
      -H 'Content-Type: application/zip'
      --data-binary '@$(Build.BuildId).zip'
  workingDirectory: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
  displayName: 'Upload to Netlify'

you need to use bash syntax to retrieve environment variable for that, not powershell (since you are using bash, not powershell): 您需要使用bash语法来检索环境变量,而不是powershell(因为您正在使用bash,而不是powershell):

-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

I also suspect that you need to update your env declaration: 我也怀疑您需要更新环境声明:

  ACCESS_TOKEN: $(netlifyAccessToken) << ADO token to replace with variable from build scope
  SITE_ID: $(netlifySiteId)

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