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什么是 Promise.race 在 Python 异步代码中的等价物?

[英]What would be Promise.race equivalent in Python asynchronous code?

I'd like to reproduce javascript's Promise.race behavior in Python code.我想在 Python 代码中重现 javascript 的 Promise.race 行为。 I want to run group of coroutines simultaneously and return when first one is done, get its result and cancel/discard results of the ones that are still running.我想同时运行一组协程并在第一个协程完成时返回,获取其结果并取消/丢弃仍在运行的协程的结果。

You can use asyncio.wait with the argument return_when set to FIRST_COMPLETED .您可以将asyncio.wait与参数return_when设置为FIRST_COMPLETED The example code below will print 1 and the exception will never be raised.下面的示例代码将打印1并且永远不会引发异常。 The second for loop makes sure all of our pending coroutines are properly finished.第二个 for 循环确保我们所有挂起的协程都正确完成。 If raising_wait coroutine finishes first, after calling the result method of the created Task object, the exception will be raised as specified in documentation.如果raising_wait协程先完成,则在调用创建的 Task 对象的result方法后,将按照文档中的说明引发异常。 Last thing to mention is that, that using asyncio.wait with FIRST_COMPLETED doesn't guarantee that we will have exactly one Task in done set if the couroutines finish in almost same time.最后要提到的是,如果协程几乎在同一时间完成,使用asyncio.waitFIRST_COMPLETED并不能保证我们将有一个任务完成。

from contextlib import suppress
import asyncio

async def wait(t):
    await asyncio.sleep(t)
    return t

async def raising_wait(t):
    await asyncio.sleep(t)
    raise TimeoutError("You waited for too long, pal")

loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()

done_first, pending = loop.run_until_complete(
        {wait(1), raising_wait(2), wait(3)}, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED

for coro in done_first:
    except TimeoutError:
        print("cleanup after error before exit")

for p in pending:
    with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError):


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