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[英]this.state undefined in React component render function

I am newbie in ReactJS. 我是ReactJS的新手。 Following function works well: 以下功能运行良好:

_renderTable: function() {
            React.DOM.thead( {onClick: this._sort},
                    this.props.headers.map(function (title, idx) {
                        if (this.state.sortby === idx) {
                            title += this.state.descending ? ' \u2191' : ' \u2193'
                        return React.DOM.th({key: idx}, title);
                    }, this)
            React.DOM.tbody( {onDoubleClick: this._showEditor},
                this.state.data.map(function (row, rowidx) {
                        React.DOM.tr({key: rowidx},
                            row.map(function (cell, idx) {
                                var content = cell;

                                //To-Do editable field on double click
                                var edit = this.state.edit;
                                if (edit && edit.row === rowidx && edit.cell === idx) {
                                    content = React.DOM.form({onSubmit: this._save},
                                            type: "text",
                                            defaultValue: content,
                                return React.DOM.td({
                                    key: idx,
                                    "data-row": rowidx
                                }, content);
                            }, this)
                }, this)

When I rewrite it using babel: 当我使用babel重写它时:

_renderTable: function() {
            <thead onClick={this._sort}>
                    this.props.headers.map(function (title, idx) {
                        if (this.state.sortby === idx) {
                            title += this.state.descending ? ' \u2191' : ' \u2193'
                        return <th key={idx}>{title}</th>
                    }, this)
            <tbody onDoubleClick={this._showEditor}>
            {console.log("Hello", this.state)}
                this.state.data.map(function (row, rowidx) {
                        <tr key={rowidx}>{
                            row.map(function (cell, idx) {
                                var content = cell;
                                console.log("Hello2", this);
                                var edit = this.state.edit;
                                if (edit && edit.row === rowidx && edit.cell === idx) {
                                    content = <form onSubmit={this._save}>
                                                <input type="text" defaultValue={content}>
                                return <td key={idx}>{content}</td>

I get following error: 我收到以下错误:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined

replacing var edit = this.state.edit; 替换var edit = this.state.edit; with var edit = false; 使用var edit = false; removes the error. 消除错误。

Searching shows about binding this in a case of calling it in functions body so I tried to do it but without luck. 搜索关于绑定显示this呼吁它的功能体的情况下,所以我试图做到这一点,但没有运气。 Not sure that the issue in binding because non-JSX version of code working fine. 不确定绑定中的问题,因为非JSX版本的代码可以正常工作。

It is indeed a scope issue, when iterating through map you are declaring a function, using this inside that function will reference a different context. 实际上,这是一个范围问题,在遍历map时声明一个函数,在函数内部使用this函数将引用不同的上下文。 You may use an arrow function ( ) => { ... } 您可以使用箭头功能( ) => { ... }

this.state.data.map((row, rowidx) => {
    row.map((cell, idx) => { 

Or assign reference to this in another variable before your map function var self = this 或者在映射函数var self = this之前在另一个变量中分配this引用

var self = this
this.state.data.map(function (row, rowidx) {
    row.map((cell, idx) => { 
        var edit = self.state.edit;

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