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[英]Mediatr: Unit Testing behaviors/validation

I have a command/handler that saves an entity to the db, but in my code, it goes through validation first (validation pipeline) using fluentvalidation. 我有一个将实体保存到数据库的命令/处理程序,但是在我的代码中,它首先使用fluentvalidation进行了验证(验证管道)。

I was able to create a success test to test the handler, but now I would like to make sure the command goes through validation first. 我能够创建一个成功测试来测试处理程序,但是现在我想确保命令首先通过验证。

How would I go about doing so? 我将如何去做? should I be calling the validation independently like i do with my handler? 我应该像处理程序一样独立地调用验证吗? if so how do i do that 如果是这样,我该怎么做

here is my code 这是我的代码

    public  async Task CreateCoinCommand_Success()
        var context = new Mock<EventsContext>();
        var ownersMock = CreateDbSetMock(new List<Owner>());

        context.Setup(x => x.Owners).Returns(ownersMock.Object);

        var handler = new CreateCoinCommandHandler(context.Object, mapper.Object );

        var cmd = new CreateCoinCommand(1, "sym", "name", null, null, null, 1, "description",
            null, "https://google.com", null, null, null, new []{1,2});

        var cltToken = new System.Threading.CancellationToken();
        var result = await handler.Handle(cmd, cltToken);


My validator is called CreateCoinCommandValidator 我的验证器称为CreateCoinCommandValidator

Yes, in unit test you need to call validator manually 是的,在单元测试中,您需要手动调用验证器

// Arrange
var validator = new CreateCoinCommandValidator();
var cmd = new CreateCoinCommand(1, "sym", "name", null, null, null, 1, "description",
            null, "https://google.com", null, null, null, new []{1,2});

// Act
var validationResult = await validator.ValidateAsync(cmd);

// Assert

Also see Default testing extensions 另请参阅默认测试扩展

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