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如何使用PHPUnit在ZFC RBAC下测试控制器

[英]How do I use PHPUnit to test a Controller under ZFC RBAC

I am pretty new to unit testing and have just started my journey learning how to use tests to make my applications more reliable. 我是单元测试的新手,刚刚开始学习如何使用测试使我的应用程序更可靠的旅程。

I am using Zend Framework 3 and am following this guide https://docs.zendframework.com/tutorials/unit-testing/ 我正在使用Zend Framework 3,并且正在遵循本指南https://docs.zendframework.com/tutorials/unit-testing/

What I want to do is test a route that requires a user to be Authenticated and have the correct ZFR Rbac role. 我想做的是测试一条路由,该路由要求用户经过身份验证并具有正确的ZFR Rbac角色。

   public function testOverviewActionCanBeAccessed()
    //Setup a mock user
    $user = $this->createMock(User::class);

    //Setup the mock auth identity interface
    $identity = $this->createMock('Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService');

    //Run the following test


At the moment when I run the test I get the following error: 在运行测试的那一刻,我收到以下错误:

PHPUnit 6.2.4 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

F                                                                   1 / 1 (100%)

Time: 1.27 seconds, Memory: 16.00MB

There was 1 failure:

1) ControlPanelTest\Controller\AgentControllerTest::testOverviewActionCanBeAccessed
Failed asserting response code "200", actual status code is "302"

Exceptions raised:
Exception 'ZfcRbac\Exception\UnauthorizedException' with message 'You are not authorized to access this resource' in /var/www//public_html/application/vendor/zf-commons/zfc-rbac/src/ZfcRbac/Guard/AbstractGuard.php:66


So my question is how do I setup RBAC in the test? 所以我的问题是如何在测试中设置RBAC?

So this is how I have solved this issue. 所以这就是我解决这个问题的方式。

This suggestion helped solve the issue 这个建议帮助解决了这个问题

My working code: 我的工作代码:

namespace ControlPanelTest\Controller;

use ControlPanel\Controller\ControlPanelController;
use Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils;
use Zend\Test\PHPUnit\Controller\AbstractHttpControllerTestCase;
use ZfcRbac\Identity\IdentityInterface;
use ZfcRbac\Identity\IdentityProviderInterface;
use ZfcRbac\Service\RoleService;

class AgentControllerTest extends AbstractHttpControllerTestCase
    protected $traceError = true;
    protected $guard;

    public function setUp()
        $configOverrides = [];

        // Grabbing the full application configuration:
            include __DIR__ . '/../../../../config/application.config.php',


    public function rbacGuards($roles)
         * Deal with Rbac Guards
        $roleService = $this->getApplicationServiceLocator()->get(RoleService::class);
        $identityProvider = $this->prophesize(IdentityProviderInterface::class);
        $identity = $this->prophesize(IdentityInterface::class);
        // Here you use the setter to inject your mocked identity provider

    public function testModuleActionsCanBeAccessed()



Hope this helps someone running unit tests and needing to set the underlying zfc rbac role. 希望这对运行单元测试并需要设置基础zfc rbac角色的人员有所帮助。

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