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如何在 React Native ListView 中过滤和呈现重复出现的嵌套 JSON 数据?

[英]How to filter and render recurring nested JSON data in react native ListView?

I'm new to JSON and filtering.我是 JSON 和过滤的新手。 The data.json file and FolderScreen.js below render the following chapter structure in a react native ListView .下面的data.json文件和FolderScreen.jsReact react native ListView中呈现以下章节结构。 With react-navigation props are passed down to render the related nested subchapters in the ListView .使用react-navigation props 向下传递以呈现ListView的相关嵌套子章节。

This works flawlessly for Chapter 1 and rendering it's Subchapter A , B and C in the ListView这对于Chapter 1完美无缺,并在ListView呈现它的Subchapter ABC ......

Level 1 > Chapter 1级别 1 >第 1 章

Subchapter A分章A

Subchapter B B分章

Subchapter C C分章

… but as soon as Subchapter A is passed down to the FolderScreen.js all its Sub-Subchapters A1 , A2 and A3 are not rendered as expected in the ListView with the snippet below… …但是一旦Subchapter A传递给FolderScreen.js,它的所有Sub-Subchapters A1A2A3就不会在ListView按预期呈现,下面的代码片段......

Level 2 > Subchapter A级别 2 > 分章 A

Sub-Subchapter A1子章节 A1

Sub-Subchapter A2子章节 A2

Sub-Subchapter A3子章节 A3

…am I missing something in the JSON filter? ...我在 JSON 过滤器中遗漏了什么吗?

Or just doing it wrong?还是只是做错了?


 { "id":"chapter-1", "name":"Chapter 1", "type":"folder", "content":[ { "id":"sub-chapter-a", "name":"Subchapter A", "type":"folder", "content":[ { "id":"sub-sub-chapter-a1", "name":"Sub-Subchapter A1", "type":"file" }, { "id":"sub-sub-chapter-a2", "name":"Sub-Subchapter A2", "type":"file" }, { "id":"sub-sub-chapter-a3", "name":"Sub-Subchapter A3", "type":"file" } ] }, { "id":"sub-chapter-b", "name":"Subchapter B", "type":"file" }, { "id":"sub-chapter-c", "name":"Subchapter C", "type":"file" } ] }

FolderScreen.js FolderScreen.js

 renderRow = () => { const entry = this.props.navigation.getParam('chapterID', ''); const listEntry = jsonData.map(all => all.content.filter(parent => parent.id === entry).map(item => item.content.map(i => { return ( <ListEntry id={i.id} name={i.name} type={i.type} navigation={this.props.navigation} key={i.id} /> ); }) ) ); return listEntry; };

Big thanks for help!非常感谢您的帮助!

This is an easy one.这是个简单的。 Your code expects there to always be a content property which is an array (or an object that has a .map() method, anyway).您的代码期望始终有一个content属性,它是一个数组(或具有.map()方法的对象,无论如何)。

In the innermost level, there is no "content": [] property.在最内层,没有"content": []属性。

Either add one, or just add a check in for the content property before you try to use it.在您尝试使用它之前,添加一个,或者只是为content属性添加一个签入。

My favorite technique is to use (item.content || []).map(... , to use an empty array if the property is null or undefined.我最喜欢的技术是使用(item.content || []).map(... ,如果属性为空或未定义,则使用空数组。

Your last map returns an array with only one entry.您的最后一张地图返回一个只有一个条目的数组。 You need to access the first array item [0] or modify your code to iterate through results.您需要访问第一个数组项 [0] 或修改您的代码以遍历结果。

Here is a simplified version of what works:这是有效的简化版本:

const listEntry = jsonData.content
  .filter(sub => sub.id === entry)
  .map(subsub => subsub.content)[0]
  .map(item => { 
      return <ListEntry id={item.id} name={item.name}/> 

So you should change your code to access the first array member before using the last .map:因此,在使用最后一个 .map 之前,您应该更改代码以访问第一个数组成员:

const listEntry = jsonData.map(all =>
  all.content.filter(parent => parent.id === entry).map(item =>
    item.content)[0].map(i => {
        return (

Here is a working Snack for my sample code: https://snack.expo.io/@navardan/nested-contents这是我的示例代码的工作小吃: https : //snack.expo.io/@navardan/nested-contents

Here is also a good article on .map and .filter Simplify your JavaScript – Use .map(), .reduce(), and .filter()这里还有一篇关于 .map 和 .filter 的好文章简化你的 JavaScript – 使用 .map()、.reduce() 和 .filter()

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