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什么是?? Dart 中的双问号?

[英]What are the ?? double question marks in Dart?

The following line of code has two question marks:以下代码行有两个问号:

final myStringList = prefs.getStringList('my_string_list_key') ?? [];

What is the meaning?什么意思?

The ?? ?? double question mark operator means "if null".双问号运算符表示“如果为空”。 Take the following expression, for example.以下面的表达式为例。

String a = b ?? 'hello';

This means a equals b , but if b is null then a equals 'hello' .这意味着a等于b ,但如果b为空,则a等于'hello'

Another related operator is ??= .另一个相关的运算符是??= For example:例如:

b ??= 'hello';

This means if b is null then set it equal to hello .这意味着如果b为空,则将其设置为等于hello Otherwise, don't change it.否则,不要改变它。



The Dart 1.12 release news collectively referred to the following as null-aware operators : Dart 1.12 发布消息将以下内容统称为null-aware operator

  • ?? -- if null operator -- 如果为空运算符
  • ??= -- null-aware assignment ??= -- 空感知赋值
  • x?.p -- null-aware access x?.p -- 空感知访问
  • x?.m() -- null-aware method invocation x?.m() -- 空感知方法调用

Dart offers some handy operators for dealing with values that might be null. Dart 提供了一些方便的运算符来处理可能为 null 的值。 One is the ??= assignment operator, which assigns a value to a variable only if that variable is currently null:一种是 ??= 赋值运算符,它仅在变量当前为空时才为变量赋值:

int a; // The initial value of a is null.
a ??= 3;
print(a); // <-- Prints 3.

a ??= 5;
print(a); // <-- Still prints 3.

Another null-aware operator is ??另一个可识别空值的运算符是 ?? , which returns the expression on its left unless that expression's value is null, in which case it evaluates and returns the expression on its right: ,它返回其左侧的表达式,除非该表达式的值为 null,在这种情况下,它计算并返回其右侧的表达式:

print(1 ?? 3); // <-- Prints 1.
print(null ?? 12); // <-- Prints 12.

This is especially useful in the copyWith method which is used in flutter very often to override.这在颤振中经常用于覆盖的 copyWith 方法中特别有用。 Here is an example below:下面是一个例子:

import './color.dart';
import './colors.dart';

class CoreState {
  final int counter;
  final Color backgroundColor;

  const CoreState({
    this.counter = 0,
    this.backgroundColor = Colors.white,

  CoreState copyWith({
    int? counter,
    Color? backgroundColor,
  }) =>
        counter: counter ?? this.counter,
        backgroundColor: backgroundColor ?? this.backgroundColor,

  bool operator ==(Object other) =>
      identical(this, other) ||
          other is CoreState &&
              runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
              counter == other.counter &&
              backgroundColor == other.backgroundColor;

  int get hashCode => counter.hashCode ^ backgroundColor.hashCode;

  String toString() {
    return "counter: $counter\n"

?? is a null-aware operator, the expression means that, if the value of "my_string_list_key" in the prefs instance is null then assign an empty list to myStringList .是一个 null 感知运算符,该表达式意味着,如果prefs实例中"my_string_list_key"的值为null ,则将一个空列表分配给myStringList

(??) null operator , it returns the expression on its left when the it's not null , otherwise it'll return the right expression. (??) null 运算符,如果left when the it's not null ,则返回左侧表达式,否则返回右侧表达式。

(??=) Null-aware assignment - This operator assigns value to the variable on its left, only if that variable is currently null. (??=) Null-aware assignment - 此运算符将值分配给其左侧的变量,仅当该变量当前为 null 时。

(?.) Null-Aware access This operator prevents you from crashing your app by trying to access a property or a method of an object that might be null. (?.) Null-Aware access此操作符通过尝试访问可能是 null 的 object 的属性或方法来防止您的应用程序崩溃。 For example,例如,

String x;
print(x.toUpperCase());   // WILL GIVE AN ERROR
print(x?.toUpperCase()); // OUTPUT WILL BE NULL

(...?) Null-Aware spread operator - This operator prevents you from adding null elements using spread operator. (...?) Null-Aware spread operator - 此运算符阻止您使用扩展运算符添加 null 元素。

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