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[英]How to store multiple react form data in state

I have a page where users can submit forms. 我有一个页面,用户可以在其中提交表单。 They can choose to add new forms to the page(form 2, 3, 4, 5 of the same form type). 他们可以选择向页面添加新表单(相同表单类型的表单2、3、4、5)。

I handle that through: 我通过以下方式处理:

handleAddPastMainData() {
  const pastMainData = this.state.mainData[0].pastMainData;

    mainData: {
      pastMainData: pastMainData.push([])

Then I map through pastMainData to display the added form. 然后,我通过pastMainData进行映射以显示添加的表单。

What I am having a challenge with is with the handler for saving the data since the form is nested. 我面临的挑战是处理程序用于保存数据,因为表格是嵌套的。

My current state is like this: 我当前的状态是这样的:

this.state = {
  mainData: [
    {pastMainData: []},

And my handler is: 我的处理程序是:

handleMainInputChange = (event) => {
  const name = event.target.name;
  const value = target.type === 'checkbox' ? target.checked : target.value;

  this.setState(state => {
    state.mainData[0].pastMainData[name] = value;
    return state

A sample form input field in my app is: 我的应用程序中的示例表单输入字段为:

  label="Main name"
  placeholder="Super Awesome FName"

I assign a key to each form when I map through pastMainData . 通过pastMainData映射时,我为每个表单分配一个键。

So a user can choose to add more than 5 of the above field input and submit. 因此,用户可以选择添加以上字段输入中的5个以上并提交。

When the data is submitted, I want the state to look like this: 提交数据后,我希望状态看起来像这样:

this.state = {
  mainData: [
    {pastMainData: [[field1], [field2], [field3]},

When the user returns, this gives me the option to check number of fields/forms the user has already completed and render them with the saved data. 当用户返回时,这使我可以选择检查用户已完成的字段/表格的数量,并使用保存的数据进行渲染。

However, this obviously is not working. 但是,这显然行不通。 Any way to improve my code and make it more efficient will be very appreciated. 任何改进我的代码并使之更有效的方法将不胜感激。

Thanks 谢谢

Currently when I run the code, on clicking Add Form, it renders the form but continues to the next page. 当前,当我运行代码时,在单击“添加表单”时,它将呈现该表单,但将继续下一页。 The call to continue to the next page is only on the handleSubmit method. 继续进入下一页的调用仅在handleSubmit方法上。

To stop it from continuing to the next page you probably need to e.preventDefault() on that button. 要阻止它继续进入下一页,您可能需要在该按钮上e.preventDefault()

"since the forms are multiple, how do I get the key and use that particular key in the handleMainInputChange." “由于表单是多个,所以如何获取密钥并在handleMainInputChange中使用该特定密钥。”

Add the key to the Field, or Form. 将密钥添加到字段或窗体。 For example: 例如:

  label="Main name"
  placeholder="Super Awesome FName"

And you should be able to access it like you would any data-attr, if not, you can pass it as aa param to the onChange function. 而且您应该能够像访问任何数据属性一样访问它,如果没有,则可以将其作为参数传递给onChange函数。

also, maybe it would be easier to work with a different data structure for your state obj: 同样,也许为状态obj使用不同的数据结构会更容易:

this.state = {
  forms: {
    form1: {},
    form2: {},
    form3: {},

may make setting and accessing easier in the long run. 从长远来看,可能会使设置和访问变得更容易。

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