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[英]semantic ui dropdown when hover

everybody, I'm trying the first example in https://semantic-ui.com/collections/menu.html it should work when hovering it any idea I'm not getting any error in the console but the dropdown not working not even when I click nothing happens may this happens because I'm using semantic-ui CDN ? 大家,我正在尝试https://semantic-ui.com/collections/menu.html中的第一个示例。将其悬停时应该可以使用,我在控制台中没有收到任何错误,但是下拉菜单甚至无法使用当我单击没有任何反应时,可能会发生这种情况,因为我正在使用语义UI CDN吗?

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        <div class="ui text menu">
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            Browse Courses
            <i class="dropdown icon"></i>
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                <div class="item">Scholarships</div>
        <div class="ui flowing basic admission popup">
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                <a class="item">Fashion Design</a>
                <a class="item">Fine Art</a>
                <a class="item">Strategic Design</a>
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                <a class="item">Food Studies</a>
                <a class="item">Journalism</a>
                <a class="item">Non Profit Management</a>

The example code doesn't include any javascript like the other examples on the same page. 该示例代码不包含任何javascript,就像同一页面上的其他示例一样。 If you want the dropdowns to work look into the dropdown documentation under the usage tab which talks more about coupling the dropdowns inside the menu. 如果您希望下拉菜单正常工作,请查看“用法”标签下的下拉文档,该文档详细讨论了如何在菜单内耦合下拉菜单。 Dropdowns . 下拉菜单 And the CDN is fine. CDN很好。

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