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如何获取带有id的特定文档数据? | AngularFire 5.1.1 | Cloud Firestore | 文件

[英]How to get particular document data with id ? | AngularFire 5.1.1 | Cloud Firestore | Documents

I am using Data access service to get the data from firebase firestore. 我正在使用数据访问服务从firebase firestore获取数据。

How to use snapshotChanges()method for getting particular document data with id 如何使用snapshotChanges()方法获取具有id的特定文档数据

getProduct(id: number): Observable<Product> {
    this.productsDocuments = this.angularfirestore.doc<Product>('products/' + id);
    this.product = this.productsDocuments.snapshotChanges().pipe(
      map(changes => changes.map(a => {
        const data = a.payload.doc.data() as Product;
        const id = a.payload.doc.id;
        return { id, ...data };
    return this.product

I want this.product returns the document value and document id 我想this.product返回文档值和文档ID

Thank You!! 谢谢!!

a document is simply an object {[field]: value} and collection is a container for documents [document] 文档只是一个对象{[field]: value}而collection是文档的容器[document]

you are trying to get a single document aka object and the problem here that you cannot map it directly, i think that you wanna get the entire collection, if! 你试图获得一个文件,即对象和问题,你不能直接映射它,我想你想得到整个集合,如果! you can know map over all documents 你可以知道所有文件的地图

getProduct(id: number): Observable<Product> { const productsDocuments = this.db.doc<Product>('products/' + id); return productsDocuments.snapshotChanges() .pipe( map(changes => { const data = changes.payload.data(); const id = changes.payload.id; return { id, ...data }; })) }

for collection 收集

getProduct(id: string): Observable<Product[]> { const productsDocuments = this.db.collection<Product[]>('products'); return productsDocuments.snapshotChanges() .pipe( map(changes => changes.map(({ payload: { doc } }) => { const data = doc.data(); const id = doc.id return { id, ...data }; })), map((products) => products.find(doc => doc.id === id))) }

sorry for bad english 抱歉英语不好

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