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[英]How to get .msi running location in wix installer?


I am not sure if you are using the default wix ui dialogs or you have customized the UI dialogs. 我不确定您是使用默认的wix ui对话框还是自定义UI对话框。

If you are using the default dialogs then you can set any of the below two variables: 如果使用默认对话框,则可以设置以下两个变量之一:

  • WixUIBannerBmp this is wixvariable for Top banner. WixUIBannerBmp这对于顶部横幅是wixvariable的。 Size: 493 × 58 尺寸:493×58

  • WixUIDialogBmp this us wixvariable for Background bitmap used on the welcome and completion dialogs WixUIDialogBmp,这是我们用于欢迎和完成对话框的背景位图的wixvariable
    Size:493 × 312 尺寸:493×312

Syntax : 句法 :

<WixVariable Id="WixUIBannerBmp" Value="..\images\banner.bmp" />

You can get path of image from custom action and then that path can be set while setting wix variable. 您可以从自定义操作获取图像的路径,然后可以在设置wix变量时设置该路径。

Eg if your path propery name is BrowsedFilePath, then the syntax would be 例如,如果您的路径属性名称为BrowsedFilePath,则语法为

Syntax : 句法 :

<WixVariable Id="WixUIBannerBmp" Value="[BrowsedFilePath]" />

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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