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在 Protege 中使用 SPARQL 推断数据

[英]Infer data with SPARQL in Protege

I'm trying to get my head around inferring RDF data.我正在尝试推断 RDF 数据。 Say that I have these triples (RDF Turtle), which I created using Protege:假设我有使用 Protege 创建的这些三元组 (RDF Turtle):

@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .

:hasSpouse rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ,
                    owl:SymmetricProperty ;
           rdfs:domain :People ;
           rdfs:range :People .

:People rdf:type owl:Class .

:Jane_Doe rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                   :People .

:John_Doe rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                   :People ;
          :hasSpouse :Jane_Doe .

The reasoner in Protege will kindly highlight the expected inference, that is :Jane_Doe :hasSpouse :John_Doe . Protege 中的推理器会很好地突出预期的推理,即:Jane_Doe :hasSpouse :John_Doe


How can I see that inference with SPARQL?我怎样才能看到 SPARQL 的推断? If I run this query in Protege (SPARQL tab):如果我在 Protege(SPARQL 选项卡)中运行此查询:

SELECT ?subject
    WHERE {?subject hasSpouse ?object .}

It shows the asserted triple, not the inferred one.它显示了断言的三元组,而不是推断的三元组。 I understand how to do it manually, eg :我了解如何手动执行此操作,例如:

CONSTRUCT {?object ?prop ?subject }
    WHERE { ?prop rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty .
            ?subject ?prop ?object .}

I'd see now the inferred data I'm expecting but 1) that would be losing the point imho (ie; reinventing the wheel) 2) I cannot have 2 queries in this tab (construct, then select).我现在会看到我期待的推断数据,但是 1) 恕我直言,这将失去意义(即重新发明轮子)2)我不能在此选项卡中进行 2 个查询(构建,然后选择)。 There's got to be a way to do this automatically, just like the reasoner did.必须有一种方法可以自动执行此操作,就像推理器一样。

I read in Stack Overflow a post saying to use 'Snap SPARQL' plugin in Protege.我在 Stack Overflow 上读到一篇文章,说要在 Protege 中使用“Snap SPARQL”插件。 I tried but simple queries don't work (like the first one above).我试过了,但简单的查询不起作用(如上面的第一个)。 It's like it's a different language.就像是一种不同的语言。 How does it work?它是如何工作的?

So, how can I get the benefit of these owl properties with SPARQL?那么,我怎样才能通过 SPARQL 获得这些 owl 属性的好处呢? How can I have an OWL-aware SPARQL in Protege?如何在 Protege 中拥有支持 OWL 的 SPARQL? Am I taking this the wrong way?我是否以错误的方式看待这个问题? What's the right way?什么是正确的方法?

thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。 Nicolas尼古拉斯

You need to make your inferences a part of your knowledge.你需要让你的推论成为你知识的一部分。

To do so, go to the SWRL Tab and click successively on the button为此,请转到SWRL 选项卡并连续单击按钮


at the bottom of that Tab, start from the left to the right.在该选项卡的底部,从左到右开始。

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