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[英]Append command output to each line of a file

I have a script test.sh 我有一个脚本test.sh

route add -net <IP1> netmask gw 10.xx.xx.1 dev eth0
route add -net <IP2> netmask gw 10.xx.xx.1 dev eth0

I have created a function get_alias in another script which gets alias value corresponds to ip address. 我在另一个脚本中创建了一个函数get_alias,该脚本获取别名值对应于ip地址。

I want to append the get_alias command output of corresponding ip to each line (except top most) of test.sh 我想将对应ip的get_alias命令输出附加到test.sh的每一行(最顶部除外)

So suppose if 所以假设

$(get_alias IP1) is 1 and $(get_alias IP2) is 2 $(get_alias IP1)为1和$(get_alias IP2)为2

So my desired file should be as below: 所以我想要的文件应该如下:

route add -net <IP1> netmask gw 10.xx.xx.1 dev eth0:1
route add -net <IP2> netmask gw 10.xx.xx.1 dev eth0:2

I have tried below awk but this is not working 我在awk下尝试过,但这不起作用

awk  '{ print $0":"$(get_alias "$4") }' test.sh 

Instead of awk i have used while to resolve the issue: 我已经用awk解决了这个问题,而不是用awk:

while read -r line ; do
    ip=$(echo $line | cut -d " " -f 4)
    alias="$(get_alias "$ip")"
    echo "$line:$alias"
done < test.sh > test_out.sh

A slow bash while loop: 慢bash while循环:

    # ignore first line
    IFS= read -r line; 
    printf "%s\n" "$line";
    # for the rest of the lines
    while IFS= read -r line; do
         # get the ip address
         IFS=$' \t' read _ _ _ ip _ <<<"$line"
         # output the line with `:` with the output of get_alias:
         printf "%s:%s\n" "$line" "$(get_alias "$ip")"
) < test.sh

The script quite literally: - reads the first line and outputs it without a change - then while it reads the lines from file - we get the ip address as the 4 field from the line ( awk '{print $4}' and similar would work too) - then we print the line with the output of the get_alias function. 该脚本的字面意思是:-读取第一行并将其输出而不进行任何更改-然后在从文件读取行的同时-我们从该行的第4个字段中获取ip地址( awk '{print $4}' ,类似的代码也可以工作)-然后我们使用get_alias函数的输出来打印该行。

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