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具有多个条件的AWS DYNAMO DB查询

[英]AWS DYNAMO DB query with multiple condition

I am trying to fetch details from dynamo db using the bellow query in this DOMAIN and SERVICE are just key(non primary key) 我正在尝试使用此域中的以下查询从dynamo db获取详细信息,而SERVICE只是键(非主键)

let params = {
    TableName: asset_table,
    ConsistentRead: true,
    ProjectionExpression: 'ID,SERVICE',
    KeyConditionExpression: "DOMAIN = :service_name AND SERVICE EQ :service_domain",
    ExpressionAttributeValues: {
         ":service_name": {"S":service },
         ":service_domain": {"S":domain}
docClient.scan(params, (err, data) => {
    if (err) {
    } else {
        onComplete(null, {

this give error as given bellow 这给了下面的错误

"message": "ExpressionAttributeValues can only be specified when using expressions: FilterExpression is null",
"code": "ValidationException",
"time": "2019-01-09T09:47:09.180Z",
"statusCode": 400,
"retryable": false,
"retryDelay": 8.070453867451622

The scan method does not accept a KeyConditionExpression , in params . scan方法不接受paramsKeyConditionExpression Instead you must use the FilterExpression param. 相反,您必须使用FilterExpression参数。

The error is telling you this as it can see your ExpressionAttributeValues but no FilterExpression to use them. 错误告诉您这是因为它可以看到您的ExpressionAttributeValues但是没有使用它们的FilterExpression

According to AWS Docs - Working With Scans : 根据AWS Docs- 使用扫描

The syntax for a filter expression is identical to that of a condition expression. 过滤器表达式的语法与条件表达式的语法相同。 Filter expressions can use the same comparators, functions, and logical operators as a condition expression. 过滤器表达式可以使用与条件表达式相同的比较器,函数和逻辑运算符。 For more information, Condition Expressions . 有关更多信息,请参见条件表达式

Checkout DDB Docs here for full details on how to use the scan method. 在此处签出DDB文档以获取有关如何使用scan方法的完整详细信息。

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