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[英]Moment js format duration

I got an ISO 8601 string as duration and I need to format it as XhYm( 1h20m). 我有一个ISO 8601字符串作为持续时间,我需要格式化为XhYm(1h20m)。 Does anyone have some suggestions? 有人有什么建议吗?

What I did right now is this: 我现在做的是:

const duration = moment.duration(secondData.duration);
const formatted = moment.utc(duration.asMilliseconds()).format('HH:mm');

To get the output format you want, you'll need to set up the format string differently in the format() call: 要获得所需的输出格式,您需要在format()调用中以不同方式设置格式字符串:

const duration = moment.duration('PT1H20M');
const formatted = moment.utc(duration.asMilliseconds()).format("H[h]m[m]");

Using the square brackets makes moment print those characters without trying to use them in the format. 使用方括号可以立即打印这些字符,而无需在格式中使用它们。 See the Escaping Characters in the momentjs documentation. 请参阅momentjs文档中的转义字符

The simplest way to do it involves a little bit of manual formatting: 最简单的方法是进行一些手动格式化:

 var d = moment.duration("PT1H20M"); console.log(d.hours()+"H"+d.minutes()+"M"); 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.23.0/moment.min.js"></script> 

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