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[英]Laravel & Ajax, Jquery - Input value of select dropdown to textbox

How can I achieve this output? 如何获得此输出?


I want a dynamic dropdown like when I select a value on the dropdown then it the textbox should be filled with its connected value automatically 我想要一个动态下拉菜单,例如当我在下拉菜单中选择一个值时,则文本框应自动使用其连接的值填充

here is my database value example 这是我的数据库值示例


so for example i choose 123 on the select dropdown then the textbox must be filled with 3 automatically, how can i do that? 因此,例如,我在选择下拉列表中选择123 ,然后文本框必须自动填充3 ,该怎么办?

here is my code it is not working btw. 这是我的代码,它不能正常工作。

View 视图

       <span>Aircraft Name</span>
            <select name="aircraft_name" class="aircraftsName">
              <option value="0" disabled="true" selected="true"> Select </option>
              @foreach ($aircrafts as $aircraft)
                  <option value="{{ $aircraft->aircraft_registration_number }}">{{ $aircraft->aircraft_registration_number }}</option>


            <span>Aircraft ID</span>
            <input type="text" class="aircraft_id">

Controller 调节器

  public function findPrice(Request $request){


    return response()->json($p);

Web 卷筒纸


Ajax & Javascript Ajax和Javascript

<script type="text/javascript">
        var air_id =  $(this).val();

        var a = $(this).parent();

        console.log("Its Change !");

        var op = "";

            dataType:'json',//return data will be json
                // console.log("price");





You're targeting the wrong element in the jquery. 您在jquery中定位了错误的元素。 If you want to change the value of the textbox when the select dropdown is changed then you need to target the select. 如果要在更改选择下拉列表时更改文本框的值,则需要定位选择。 Change the target element from .aircraft_id to .aircraftsName on this line $(document).on('change', '.aircraftsName', function() { . 在此行$(document).on('change', '.aircraftsName', function() {将目标元素从.aircraft_id更改为.aircraftsName

Also, you don't need to make a call to the controller. 另外,您无需致电控制器。 You could put the aircraft_id as the value in the select dropdown. 您可以将aircraft_id作为值添加到选择下拉列表中。 Updating the way the select dropdown is created to something like this might work: 将选择下拉列表的创建方式更新为如下所示:

<select name="aircraft_name" class="aircraftsName">
    <option value="0" disabled="true" selected="true"> Select </option>
    @foreach ($aircrafts as $aircraft)
       <option value="{{ $aircraft->aircraft_id }}">{{ $aircraft->aircraft_registration_number }}</option>

Then your jquery could be as simple as this: 然后,您的jQuery可能像这样简单:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(document).on('change', '.aircraftsName', function() {
        var air_id =  $('.aircraftsName').val();     // get id the value from the select
        $('.aircraft_id').val(air_id);   // set the textbox value

        // if you want the selected text instead of the value
        // var air_text = $('.aircraftsName option:selected').text(); 

If you want to use an ajax call I've updated the code a little: 如果您想使用ajax调用,我会稍微更新一下代码:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(document).on('change', '.aircraftsName', function() {
        var air_id =  $(this).val();

        var a = $(this).parent();

        console.log("Its Change !");

        var op = "";

            type: 'get',
            url: '/admin/settings/findAirName',
            data: { 'id': air_id },
            dataType: 'json',      //return data will be json
            success: function(data) {
                // console.log("price");

                // do you want to display id or registration name?


This might get you closer. 这可能会使您更接近。 Since it's a get request you could append the id to the url and not use the data parameter: url: '/admin/settings/findAirName?id=' + air_id; 由于这是一个get请求,因此您可以将id附加到url上,而不使用data参数: url: '/admin/settings/findAirName?id=' + air_id; , but don't include the line data: {id: air_id} . ,但不包括行data: {id: air_id}

you can do it this way: 您可以这样操作:


<span>Aircraft Name</span>
<select id="aircraft_name" name="aircraft_name" class="aircraftsName">
    <option value="0" disabled="true" selected="true"> Select </option>
    @foreach ($aircrafts as $aircraft)
       <option value="{{ $aircraft->id}}">{{ $aircraft->aircraft_registration_number }}</option>

<span>Aircraft ID</span>
<input id="aircraft_id" type="text" class="aircraft_id">

    var air_id =  $(this).val();
    $("#aircraft_id").val(air_id );

I've added id on the select and input element 我在selectinput元素上添加了id

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